1996 National Specialty - Sacramento, CA - April 3-7, 1996

JUDGES - All Regular and Non-Regular Classes: Gwen Post, Mutzko
Sweepstakes: Katie Averill, Khanzade
Futurity: Fred Edlin, Ridgeside
Obedience: Margaret Downing
Junior Showmanship: Royana Palmer

Direct Links: JuniorsTriathlonObedienceSweepsFuturity

Photos on the page are the property of BCOA. See the Copyright Policy at the bottom of the page

Best of Breed

1996 Best in Specialty

Ch. Rancho Gabriel Magic Vixen, CDX, JC

HD906169. 10-31-90 Breeders Phydelma and Lyle Gillette
By Ch Zcerlov's Just A Buck - Rancho Gabriel Magic
Owner: Christa Cordtz (Bitch)

Best of Opposite Sex

1996 Best of Opposite Sex

Ch. Chataqua's Desert Phoenix Of Kyrov

HM447594/06. 8-26-92. Breeders Amy L Sorbie. Sara Whittington and Wanda Sanders
By Ch Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch Chataqua's Tasha Mahadi
Owners: Amy L. Sorbie, Sara Whittington and Wayne Rowe (Dog)

Award of Merit / Best of Winners / Winners Dog / 1st 12-18 Months Dog

1996 Best of Winners

Kenai's In The Circle Of Life

HM563430/09. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey-Rowton and Mary Childs
By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Ch. Kenai Santa Ana Winds
Owners: John and Michelle Luckey-Rowton

Award of Merit

1996 Award of Merit

Ch. AmberWinds Fire In The Dark, JC

HM453962/01. 3-4-93. Breeders: Owner: and Sandra Holley
By Ch. Zephyr's Reach Magic Mirth - Ch. Shady Luck's Cascade Blues
Owner: Susan Mallonee (Dog)

Award of Merit

1996 Award of Merit

Ch. Brodny's Ironwood

HD781112. 9-1-89. Breeders: Frederick R and Carol F Vogel
By Ch Majenkir Gypsum - Ch. Camiran's Miss Elizabeth
Owners: Breeders and J. Heard (Dog)

Award of Merit

1996 Award of Merit

Ch. Swanmanor D' Perrier Jouet, JC

HM377194102. 6-28-91. Breeders: Owner and D Hirsch. Sunstag Knls. Reg
By Ch Rising Star Dmitri of Sunbarr - Ch Swanmanor's Bella Balalaika, SC
Owner: Victoria "Torrea" Leborn (Bitch)

Award of Merit

1996 Award of Merit

Ch. Nonsuch Vedma Of Chrysalis

HD895084. 5-23-90. Breeders: Karen and Kalen Dumke
By Ch Nonsuch The Talisman - Ch. Nonsuch Nemesis
Owners: Pam and Bill Leichtnam (Bitch)

Award of Merit

1996 Award of Merit

Ch. Rising Star Mariza Forvr Amber

HD901717. 4-24-90 Breeders: Owner, M. Fisher and P Toy
By Ch. Rising Star Durak of Sunbarr - Ch Mariza Vega
Owner: Nadine Johnson (Bitch)

Award of Merit

1996 Award of Merit

Ch. Majenkir Rima Galushka, JC

HM472085/01. 7-5-93. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Majenkir Tsuperlative - Majenkir Bellefleur
Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona (Bitch)

Award of Merit

1996 Award of Merit

Ch. Seabury's Lauralei

HM439717/01. 9-10-92. Breeder: Dr. James D. Sillers
By Ch. Seabury's Chrisma - Stillwater Natasha At Seabury
Owner: Jay Ito (Bitch)

Award of Merit / 1st Veteran Dog 7 years and under 10

1996 Award of Merit

Ch. Bucksilvr Minstrl Of The Dawn

HD549029. 3-8-87. Breeders Virginia P and Kenneth E Graff
By Ch Majenkir Jantar Trumpeter - Ch Bucksilvers Gypsy Wind. CD
Owner: Nancy Thurston

Award of Merit / Winners Bitch / 1st Open Bitch

1996 Award of Merit

Harvesters Kate Of Swanmanor

HM492258/03. 10-26-93. Breeder: Victoria Leborn
By Ch. Rising Star Dmitriof Sunbarr - Ch. Harvesters Katya of Kishniga
Owners: Dr. Lionel Kranitz and Breeder

Best Puppy from Regular Classes / 1st 6 months and under 9 Bitch

1996 Best Puppy

Timber Ridge's Zipporah

HM597802/01. 9-26-95. Breeder: Owner
By Ch Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah
Owner: Patricia Hillyard

Best Bred By Exhibitor In Specialty / Reserve Winners Bitch / 1st Bred By Exhibitor Bitch

1992 Best Bred By Exhibitor In Specialty

Rising Star's Mercedes

HM537557/02. 7-10-94. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Igor de Nikolaiev - Ch. Rising Star Mariza Forvr Amber
Owner: Nadine Johnson

Reserve Winners Dog / 1st Open Dog

1996 Reserve Winners Dog

Morgandell Vanir

HM415896/01. 4-15-92. Breeder: Owner
By Virshina Moon Over Los Prados - Mistysea Annabelle
Owner: Cyndi Dell

Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

1996 Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

Truhavens Midas Run

HM588234/09. 7-30-95. Breeders: Phyllis Potter and Jim and Dottie Trulock
By Ch. Morozova's Stillwater Massai - Truhavens My Fair Lady, CD
Owners: Cindy Tellefsen, Bev Peck and Jim and Dottie Trulock

Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 2nd

Pickle Hill's Scottish Mist

HM609723/04. 9-7-95. Breeder: Owner
By Silkenswift Blues Brother - Pickle Hill's Taipue
Owner: Fern Lockrem

Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 3rd

Obskaya's Solo Of Onish Run

HM598497/03. 7-7-95. Breeder: Eric Kurz
By Obskaya's Tobar - Obskaya's Urana
Owner: Sheana Rombauer

Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 4th

1996 Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 4th

Wind 'N Satin Mystic Colors'

HM591543/02. 9-5-95. Breeder: Owner
L. Hydia and T. Jensen. By Cazimir Tvarisch - Wind 'n Satin Black Suede
Owner: Mary Childs

DOGS, 6 months and under 9 - OTHER ENTRIES

VERA'S KAME TO RUE THE DAY. HM599698/04. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner. By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya. Owner: Jean E. Brauner

VERA'S KAME A FLYING TIGER. HM599698/05. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner. By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya. Owner: Jean E. Brauner

VERA'S KAME THE SILVER LEGACY. HM599698/06. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner. By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya. Owner: Jean E. Brauner

TIMBER RIDGE'S JONATHAN. HM597802/02. 9-26-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah. Owner: Patricia Hillyard

AMBERWINDS FIRESONG OF RAMADI. HM597907/05. 9-29-95. Breeders: Ray and Karen Gowan and Kimberly Mitchell. By Ch. AmberWinds Fire in the Dark, JC - Borzaika Ramadi Sweet Horizon. Owners: Susan Mallonee and Karen Gowan

PICKLE HILL'S RIO OF SNOWDON. HM597814/02. 8-26-95. Breeders: Owners. By Snowdon's Bailey Zephyrs Reach - Zephyrs Reach Pickle Hill's Zoe. Owners: Fern Lockrem and Jane Christy and John Cowan

KYROV'S DESERT MOON OF CHATAQUA. HM612238/04. 7-14-95. Breeders: Amy Sorbie, Sara Whittington and Wayne Rowe. By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Storm of Kyrov- Kyrov's Cadenza. Owners: Frances Louise Martin and Amy Sorbie

KOSTENOV WILDWOOD MAGNUM OPUS. HM598578/01. 8-25-95. Breeder: Louenna Avery. By Can. Ch. Kostenov Elyot Chase - Can. Ch. Kostenov Amanda Prynne. Owner: Dr. Kay Henderson

Absent - NONSUCH PAINTED RED. HM595676/04. 9-24-95. Breeders: Kalen and Karen Dumke. By Czardel A Kind of Magic - Ch. Nonsuch Vertigo. Owners: Carole and Gerald Edison and Breeders

Absent - RAMADI'S SOLO MIO. HM597907/06. 9-29-95. Breeders: Ray and Karen Gowan and Kimberly Mitchell. By Ch. Amberwind's Fire In The Dark, JC - Borzaika Ramadi Sweet Horizon. Owner: Mortishia Fairchild

Absent - RAMADI'S A SONG IN MY HEART. HM597907/04. 9-29-95. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Amberwind's Fire In The Dark, JC - Borzaika Ramadi Sweet Horizon. Owners: Ray and Karen Gowan and Kimberly Mitchell

Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

1996 Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

Kajai's Zest

HM587143/10. 6-13-95. Breeders: Kathryn and James Wright
By Ch. Kajai's Classic - Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha
Owners: Dr. Marvin and Marsha Frace

Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 2nd

1996 Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 2nd

Kyrov's Virtuosity Chataqua

HM593868/01. 6-22-95. Breeder: Owners
By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Phoenix of Kyrov - Rising Stars Ivana
Owner: Amy L. Sorbie, Sara Whittington and Wayne Rowe

Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 3rd

Attaway Shooting Star Creset

HM576803/05. 5-6-95. Breeders: Owner
By Insight's Ivadon Cresset, JC - Ch. Insight's Elbereth Githoniel
Owners: Melissa Pearce and Susan Blanchard

Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 4th

Positively Chilling Novel

HM598869/01. 6-10-95. Breeders: Owners
By Ch. lzod's Magnum - Cascara's San Antonio Rose, SC
Owners: Star and Rex Allen

DOGS, 9 months and under 12 - OTHER ENTRIES

ATTAWAY RED PAINT BRUSH CRESET. HM576803/02. 5-6-95. Breeders: Melissa Pearce and Susan Blanchard. By Insight's lvadon Cresset, JC - Ch. Insight's Elbereth Githoniel. Owner: Dulcie A. Long

AGRIDOR VIEWGA RAPHAEL. HM579930/06. 7-1-95. Breeder: James Heard. By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco at Agridor - Agridor Majenkir Masquerade. Owner: Colette M. Smith

ASTARA'S RACING WITH THE WIND. HM612254/04. 6-29-95. Breeders: Owners. By Astara's Beyond The Blue Neon - Ch. Astara's Originally Yours FCh. Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

V'INDRA'S BRINELLOV. HM609714/05. 7-1-95. Breeder: Owner. By V'Indra's Tchochwee - V'Indra's Midnight Waltz. Owner: Charlotte Wheeler

Absent - V'INDRA'S BRIEROV. HM609714/06. 7-1-95. Breeder: Charlotte Wheeler. By V'Indra Tchochwee - V'Indra Midnight Waltz. Owners: Steve Hyland, Kerstin Brolin and Tracy Olson

Absent - ASTARA'S STEEL AND GLASS. HM612254/01. 6-29-95. Breeders: Owners. By Astara's Beyond The Blue Neon - Ch. Astara's Originally Yours FCh. Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

Dog, 12 months and under 18 - 1st / Winners Dog / Best of Winners

1996 Best of Winners

Kenai's In The Circle Of Life

HM563430/09. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey-Rowton and Mary Childs
By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Ch. Kenai Santa Ana Winds
Owners: John and Michelle Luckey-Rowton

Dog, 12 months and under 18 - 2nd

Klasyx Chulista Irish Lullaby

HM570894/05. 3-31-95. Breeders: Owners
By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Master of the Hunt. CD, JC. CGC- Ch. Chulista American Beauty
Owners: A. Stout and L. Cooper

Dog, 12 months and under 18 - 3rd

1996 Dog, 12 months and under 18 - 3rd

Aruzia Seattle Blew

HM557430/01. 1-11-95. Breeders: Owners
By Am. Can. Ch. Reggae's Tahoe Barbera Drew, SC, FCh. - Ch. Sky Run's Carmel Me Blue, JC
Owners: John and Lorrie Scott

Dog, 12 months and under 18 - 4th

Kenai's Wish Upon A Star

HM563430/04. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey and Mary Childs
By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Ch. Kenai's Santa Ana Winds
Owner: Jackie Browning

DOGS, 12 months and under 18 - OTHER ENTRIES

V'INDRA'S IREK. HM564854/01. 12-25-94. Breeder: Charlotte Wheeler. By V'Indra Oovelky Obskaya - V'Indra Lady Saphire. Owner: Breeder and Eva Urdiales

ARION. HM571427/02. 10-25-94. Breeder: Nitsa Trayler. By Ch. Zayante Keeshah - Ch. Ariel Ellias. Owners: Breeder and L. and D. Hauser

AUBURN'S HOOD OF MORGANDELL. HM572167/07. 4-3-95. Breeders: Bill Hemby and Cynthia Dell. By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell. Owner: William Hemby

AUBURN'S RAINIER. HM512167/06. 4-3-95. Breeders: Owner: and Cynthia Dell. By Regius Beyond Breathless- Virshina Rosie of Morgandell. Owner: William Hemby

WILDWOOD'S BRUNO MAZZOTTA. HM568092/07. 3-27-95. Breeders: Kay A. Henderson, Bruce and Rosemary Sutton and Wyatt Delfino. By Ch. Wildwood Cyrano de Kostenov, JC - Delilah of Wildwood. Owner: Susan F. Williams

DESTINY OF THE BORZOI PLACE. HM562893/06. 2-22-95. Breeder: Owner. By Heritage Of The Borzoi Place - Azuma Indian Princess. Owner: Norma Jean Nye

THE JAZZMAN OF WILDWOOD. HM568092/10. 3-27-95. Breeders: Kay A Henderson, Bruce and Rosemary Sutton and Wyatt Delfino. By Ch. Wildwood Cyrano de Kostenov, JC - Delilah of Wildwood. Owner: Wendy Merendini

AUBURN SHASTA OF MORGANDELL. HM572167/04. 4-3-95. Breeders: Bill Hemby and Cynthia Dell. By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell. Owners: Gary and Le Ann Black

WILDWOOD MAVERICK. HM668092/12. 3-27-95. Breeders: Owners: and Bruce and Rosemary Sutton. By Ch. Wildwood Cyrano de Kostenov, JC - Delilah of Wildwood. Owners: Dr. Kay Henderson and Wyatt Delfino

VIRSHINA RENAISSANCE DIAMOND. HM550383/04. 11... 94. Breeders: Chris Bradley and Chris Swilley. By Virshina Renaissance Korbel - Ch. Virshina Medley, JC. Owners: Todd and Toby Brandtman

TRUHAVENS OBERON OF BONEEN. HM554751/05. i -16-94. Breeders: Maurine Cooley and Owners. By Sundance Blaise of Iyengar - Ch. Truhavens Steel Magnolia. Owners: Dottie and Jim Trulock

ARUZIA GALLANT FOX. HMS57430/02. 1-11-95. Breeders: Lorrie and John Scott. By Am. Can. Ch. Reggae's Tahoe Barbera Drew SC, FCh. - Ch. Sky Run s Carmel Me Blue JC. Owner: Leslie Henderson

Absent - MAJENKIR SURREAL II. HM564425/03. 3-18-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Dandy Man - Majenkir Tinsel Toy. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Absent - MYSTIC WHEN THE NIGHT COMES. HM54527·6/03. 11-5-94. Breeder: Laura Van Diest. By Ch. Zenovia Houdini del Viento - Ch. Alarik's A Boundless Moment. Owner: Cliff Thrasher

Dog, Novice - 1st

1996 Dog, Novice - 1st

Gentlewind Bacchus

HM551322/06. 9-17-94 Breeder Ted Ferns
By Gentlewind Lutolf - Gentlewind Tamara of Chardan
Owner. James Coleman

Dog, Novice - 2nd

Revenant Somerset Yossarian

HM536228/01. 8-25-94 Breeders: Christina Corry and Jacqueline Gregory
By Somerset Giorgio Red - Gentlewind Somerset Tresses
Owner: Gail E. Gifford

Dog, Novice - 3rd

Yare Courageous, SC

HMS16380/11. 5-1-94 Breeder Eugene R. Hill
By Yare Clipper Fiery Cross - Yare Sea Witch, SC
Owner: Nan V. Walker


Absent - JAGS NAKAI. HM521572/08. 5-5-94. Breeders: Sandra Holley and Julie Hagan. By Shady Lucks Fire 'N Smoke - Shady Luck's Indigo Jeans. Owners: Tara and Stephen Earley

Dog, Bred by Exhibitor - 1st

1996 Dog, Bred by Exhibitor - 1st

Millennium Desert Falcon

HM519433/02. 4-27-94. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Rancho Gabriel Argus - Ch. Shady Luck's Heir of Elegance
Owner: Teresa L. Cleland

Dog, Bred by Exhibitor - 2nd

1996 Dog, Bred by Exhibitor - 2nd

Qamyo Sylvan Danger Zone

HM512608/01. 4-7-94. Breeder: Owner: and Christopher and Patti Neale
By Ch. Sylvan Shining Hour - Qamyo Southern Soiree. SC, FCh.
Owner: Kathleen Kapaun

Dog, Bred by Exhibitor - 3rd

Thunderhawks Cernak Izbranik

HM448429/03. 12-12-92. Breeders: Owner and Debra Decker
By Rancho Gabriel Thunderstorm - Cernak Lucky Charm
Owner: Lorie Hunter

Dog, Bred by Exhibitor - 4th

1996 Dog, Bred by Exhibitor - 4th

Qamyo Bucksilver Wardance

HM542233/03. 9-19-94. Breeders: Owners
By Bucksilvers Sweet Music Man - Qamyo Southern Sensation
Owners: Kenneth E. and Virginia Parrish Graff

DOGS, Bred by Exhibitor - OTHER ENTRIES

SHEFARO O'BOBTOR'S CABALLO. HM567305/03. 2-12-95 Breeders Owners: By O'Bobtor Cloak n Dager Phantom Lake - Shefaro Manna O'Bobtor. Owners: Sherry Faye Rodarmor-Appell and Bob Torquato

SNOWBIRD'S SASHA. HM509219/10. 2-15-94. Breeder: Shawn Nguyen By Ch Quin's Brinson Signet - Snowbird's Song Shasshabelle. Owners: Breeder and Janet Chaney

PROMETHEUS ELLIAS. HM571427/04. 10-25-94. Breeder: Owner: By Ch. Zayante Keeshah - Ch Ariel Ellias. Owner. Nitsa Trayler

KIFKA KAPREEZ. HM417556/04. 3-20-92. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Kifka Explorer - Kifka Elektra. Owners: Patricia M. and Kenneth T. Burton, Jr.

MOROZOVA'S FAST AS YOU. HM611461/01. 3-26-94. Breeders: Janet Adams and Owner. By Ch. Morozova's Stillwater Massai - Ch. Selman's Leishka Morozova, COX. Owner: Jerry Moore

LAURELGLEN'S BRIGADOON. HM528133/06. 6-15-94 Breeder: Owner: By Ch Cordova-Mishkova Starman Karistan - Ch. Zenovia Jaguar Del Viento, CD. Owner: Elaine J. Kilmer

ARAGORN'S MICHAEL MILKEN. HM423683/06. 5-12-92. Breeders: Cheryl Gower and Nancy L Smith By Aragorn's Buran - Aragorn's Raisa of Lorien Owners: Cheryl and Charles Gower

MOROZOVA'S STELLAR WIND, SC. HM457372/01. 4-2-93. Breeders: Janet Y Adams and Jerry Ball Moore. By Ch. Twin Elms Batyi - Ch. Selman's Leishka Morozova, CDX. Owners: Breeders and Hal Cousins

BARYOON'S LA BOHEME. HM489886102. 9-13-93. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Sky Run Hemlock Hollow Rerun, CD - Ch. Pollion Passionate Pursuit, 1 JC. Owner: Barbara T. Yoon

WIND 'N SATIN LEGENDMASTER. HM442253/06. 12-25-92. Breeders: Owner: and Mary Childs. By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Birchwood Silver Legend. Owner: Lynn Wall

WILDWOOD TRAVIS PASZIJEC. HM443764101. 11-14-92. Breeder. Dr. Kay A. Henderson. By Ch. Kostenov Aleksey of Wildwood, CD -Kostenov Jezabel of Wildwood, CD. Owners: Breeder and Wyatt and Nicholas Delfino

Absent - AMBERWINDS DARK KNIGHT. HM463962/03. 3-4-93. Breeders: Owner: and Sandra Holley. By Ch Zephyrs Reach Magic Mirth - Ch Shady Lucks Cascade Blues Owner: Susan Mallonee

Absent - KRASALOV VEGAS ZEPHYR'S REACH, JC. HM366677/05. 7-12-91 Breeders: Owner: and J. and J. Cowan. By Ch. Zephyr's Reach KR Waid 'n Satin - Krasalov Queen of Trumps Owner. Edwina M. Berg

Absent - ARAGORN'S PENDERGAST OF LORIEN. HM423683/01. 5-12-92. Breeders Cheryl Gower and Nancy Smith By Aragorn's Buran - Aragorn's Raisa of Lorien. Owners; Nancy L. Smith

Absent - MAJENKIR IRONSTONE. HM664425/01. 3-18-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Dandy Man - Majenkir Tinsel Toy. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Dog, American Bred - 1st

Vernor View Travis

HM419102/06. 11-8-92. Breeders: Bill and Mary Jane Sillers
By Ch. Seabury's Chrisma - Vernor View Sovereign
Owners: Jean E. Brauner and Phyllis Brettell

Dog, American Bred - 2nd

Wind 'N Satin Sun Dancer'

HM413379/03. 6-25-92 Breeder Mary Childs
By Ch Wind 'n Satin Maximum Wyld Child - Ch Wind 'n Satin Celestal Kristull
Owner: Gwen Little

Dog, American Bred - 3rd

1996 Dog, Amerian Bred - 3rd

Wolf Creek's Native Dancer

HM540200/08. 8-19-94 Breeder: Owner
By Ch Kyrov's Crescendo - Justyl's Dances With Wolves
Owner: Sylvia R. Sieverding

Dog, American Bred - 4th

Regius Rush To Surf

HM500297/02. 10-19-93. Breeders: Owner and B. Solga
By Insight's Heretic At Regius - Dar Morev's Trillian
Owner: Doreen Carlstad


DEL SOL ALPHA DRACONIS. HM629142/03. 7-25-94. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Raider of Kyrov - Rabrega Protege. Owner: Susan Van de Water

CHRYSALIS TOMINOT CASTIMIR, JC. HM509897/04. 1-26-94 Breeders: Pamela Jo and William R. Leichtnam. By Ch. Nonsuch Grozny- Ch. Nonsuch Vedma of Chrysalis, JC. Owner: Toni A. Paskey

WOLFCREEK RAINDANC KYRV-LERU. HM540200/04. 8-19-94. Breeder: Sylvia Sieverding. By Ch Kyrov's Crescendo - Justyl's Dances With Wolves. Owners: Ruth Herrmann and Amy Sorbie

SVERSHIN'S SERGEI. HM454857/05. 3-19-93 Breeder Therese A. Beamer By Phaedra's SValenti SVershin - Ch Pickfairs Strela SVershin. Owner: Brenda Wendt

LAURELGLEN'S CAMELOT. HM528133/05. 6-15-94 Breeder Owner: By Ch. Cordova-Mishkova Starman Karistan - Ch. Zenovia Jaguar Del Viento, CD. Owner: Elaine J. Kilmer

LAURELGLEN'S THE KING AND I. HM528133/02. 6-15-94. Breeder: Elaine Kilmer. By Ch Cordova-Mishkova Starman Karistan - Ch. Zenovia Jaguar Del Viento, CD. Owners: Joanne and Lynn Aase

MAJENKIR VIEWGA ALIEXI. HM455182/03. 3-12-93. Breeders: James Heard and Karen Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch Majenkir Navron Mambrino - Ch. Majenkir Manon FR of Agridor. Owner: Colette M. Smith

REVENANT SOMERSET MOZART. HM536228/02. 8-25-94. Breeders: Christina Corry and Jacqueline Gregory. By Somerset Giorgio Red - Gentlewind Somerset Tresses. Owner: Eric and Marilyn Laudenslager

JAGS WOLF OF PARADISE VALLEY. HM521572/07. 5-5-94 Breeders: Julie Hagen and Sandra Holley. By Shady Luck's Fire N Smoke - Shady Luck's Indigo Jeans Owners: Todd and Toby Brandtman

KYROV'S STORM OF WOLF CREEK. HM540200/03. 8-19-94. Breeder. Sylvia Sieverding. By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Justyl's Dances With Wolves. Owners: Todd and Toby Brandtman

ELLEN'S ALEX THE GREAT. HM359257/06. 6-24-91. Breeder: Ellen M. Hall. By Majenkir Phoenix - Ellen's Czarina. Owner. Linda S. Frost Greco

TRUHAVENS CAVALIER. HM444750/13. 11-13-92. Breeders: Dottie and Jim Trulock and Maurine Cooley. By Ch. Truhavens North Star -Truhavens Forever Amber Owner: Phyllis Potter

Absent - ASTARA'S TOTAL RECALL. HM389573/06. 3-1-90. Breeder: Carvey Graves. By Ch. Astara's Last Goodbye - Spritzkof's Cherish of Astara. Owners: Breeder and Sue Hickman

Absent - FC CHROMIUM'S LEAD OF RYHKA, SC, LCM Ill, CGC, ORC. HM442288/03. 11-7-92. Breeders: Diana Darling and Paul E. Anuta. By Beata's Hexane of Ryhka - FC. Kolinar's Chromium of Ryhka, SC. Owner. Leilani E. Hughes

Dog, Open - 1st / Reserve Winners Dog

1996 Dog, Open - 1st

Morgandell Vanir

HM415896/01. 4-15-92. Breeder: Owner
By Virshina Moon Over Los Prados - Mistysea Annabelle
Owner: Cyndi Dell

Dog, Open - 2nd

Obskaya's Bodin

HM530101/03. 7-4-94. Breeder: Owner
By Obskaya's Kasar - Obskaya's Tera
Owner. Eric Kurz

Dog, Open - 3rd

1996 Dog, Open - 3rd

Secret Garden Song Of Songs

HM442744/02. 7-10-92. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Majenkir Arcticus - Abidjan's Armagnac
Owner: Mary Moran

Dog, Open - 4th

Seabury's Vescu

HM467883/01. 2-23-93. Breeder: Dr James Sillers
By Am. Can. Ch. Rossak of Enfield .. Dana Dan Chalamar.
Owners: Dana R. and Paul A. Thompson


SNOWBIRD'S BOLERO. HM515131/04. 3-20-94. Breeder. Owner. By Ch Quin's Brinson Signet - Ch Shefaro Rreyna's Evita. Owner: Shawn Nguyen

KATUSHKA'S MICHELANGELO. HM422345/06. 7-6-92. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Seabury's Delightful Dziga. Owner: Joyce E. Law

SWANMANOR D'WHITE STAR, JC. HM377194/06. 6-28-91. Breeder: Owner: and D. Hirsh, Sunstag Knls, Reg. By Ch. Rising Star Dmitri of Sunbarr - Ch. Swanmanor's Bella Balalaika. SC. Owner. Victoria "Torrea" Leborn

PHANTOM LAKE BONZAI DONOVAN. HM4967 47/06. 10-28-93. Breeders: Robert Torquato, Cecilia M. Barnett and Maureen J. Clark. By Ch. Fire Island Parisian Sunrise - Phantom Lake Palir Last Tango. Owners: D.L. and Nancy J. DeChant

MOROZOVA ARIES, CD, JC. HM457372/03. 4-2-93. Breeders: Janet Adams and Jerry Ball. By Ch. Twin Elm's Batyi - Ch. Selman's Leishka Morozova, COX. Owners: K.E. and G.A. Novotny

BUCKSILVER'S SWEET MUSIC MAN. HM398402/07. 2-13-92. Breeders. Owners. By Ch. Bucksilver's Troubadour - Bucksilvers Iron Lady. Owners: Kenneth E. and Virginia P. Graff

WIND 'N SATIN MTN MAYHEM. HM365168/0S. 8-10-91. Breeder. Mary Childs. By Wind 'n Satin Touch of the Heart - Ch. Wind 'n Satin Valaria. Owner. Gwen Little

RANCHITOS JARVIS O'BURYHOUSE. HM467691 /05. 5-19-93. Breeders: M J. and Debra J Heindel. By Vronsky White Knight - Vronsky Sweet Surrender. Owners: Audrey Dodson and Breeders

PICKLE HILLS GMAN. HM&02161/10. 1-10-94. Breeder: Annette Rosenstock. By RA Matisse of Pickle Hill - RA Pickle Hill's Ariel. Owner: Sandra Wornum

MOROZOVA MISTER BROADWAY. HM511461/06. 3-26-94. Breeders: Janet Adams and Jerry Ball Moore. By Ch. Morozova's Stillwater Massai - Ch Selman Laishka Morozova, CDX. Owners: Alicia Thomas and Janet Adams

ORONZOVA VIRSHINA PLAY WITH FIRE. HM492417/03. 9-14-93. Breeders: Albert and Jeanne Abramson. By Ch. Elista's Magic Dragon V Taugo - Volante Kirova Topaz. Owners. Suzanne and Ron Deghi

MOROZOVA'S RUSHAN. HM511461/04. 3-26-94. Breeders: Owner: and Jerry Ball Moore. By Ch Morozova's Stillwater Massai - Ch. Selman Laishka Morozova, CDX. Owner: Janet Y. Adams

BUCKSILVER'S SEIZE THE WIND. HM398402/02. 2-13-92. Breeders: Ken and Virginia Graff. By Ch. Bucksilver's Troubadour - Bucksilver's Iron Lady. Owners: Mike and Robin Clifford

OBSKAYA'S KASAR. HM375252/07. 7-23-91. Breeder. Eric Kurz. By Obskaya's Farwo - Obskaya's Teana. Owners: Raymond and Karen Gowan

CASCARA'S SILVER WINGS. HM367398/04. 4-2-91. Breeders: J. Robertson and J. Dennis. By Tyme Day By Day- Ch. Crescent's Phantom Lake Pieta. Owners: Rex and Star Allen

OBSKAYA'S ALECKSANDR. HM496498/06. 10-9-93. Breeder. Eric Kurz. By V' Indra's Vijcaya -Jebo's Pemba Tokay. Owner: Lana Struckoff

TRUHAVENS RED OCTOBER. HM341624/14. 10-25-90. Breeders: Owners: and Maurine Cooley. By Ch. Volante Opus One - Truhavens Ster1ing Delphyna. Owners: Dottie and Jim Trulock

PICKLE HILL MAGICM'N PALADIN, JC. HM491116112. 10-31-93. Breeder: Fern Lockrem. By Ch. Magic Moon's Shadow Dancer, CD - Pickle Hill's Arapaho Secret Owner: Kathleen Hinds

KYROV'S MUSIC OF THE NIGHT. HM401622/02. 2-24-92. Breeders: J. and J. Alford, A. Sorbie and S. Whittington. By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch. Chataqua's Lara Mahdi of Kyrov. Owner: Kristin Alford

Absent - SNOWBIRD NIKITA DE L'OPERA. HM515131/02. 3-20-94. Breeder: Owner: By Ch. Quin's Brinson Signet - Ch. Shefaro Rreyna's Evita. Owner: Shawn Nguyen

Absent - ZAYANTE ORION. HM5083760/01. 3-14-94. Breeders: D. Colbath and S. Pace. By Ch Truhavens North Star - Zayante Keeper of the Reyes. Owners: Nitsa Trayler and D.R. Colbath

Absent - BURY HOUSE SCARLET KNIGHT. HM467691/04. 4-19-93. Breeder. Owners. By Vronsky White Knight - Vronsky Sweet Surrender. Owners: Debra and Mal Heindel

Absent - ZADIRA 'S ARTFUL DODGER. HM410834/10. 5-25-92 Breeders Linda and Todd Picton and K and K Dumke. By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch. Nonsuch Knockout At Zadira. Owner. Linda Picton

Absent - SEABURY-JAY EGOISTE. HM541651/02. 9-7-94. Breeder: Owner. By Seabury's Earthly Pleasures - Ch. Jaraluv's Girl Friday. Owner. Dr. James Sillers

Absent - ZENOVIA LEGEND OF FALKENAR. HM388594/02. 10-8-91 Breeders: Sherri and Barry Herr. By Ch. Kishniga's Alarik Dakota - Ch Zenovia Ekaterina Del Viento. Owners: Tamara Carey and Leslie D. Gomez

Absent - STILLWATER WHIFFENPOOF. HM505206/06. 12-25-93. Breeder: Char1es R. Tyson. By Stillwater Jerusalem Ridge - Stillwater O' I'll Fly Away. Owner: Romanov Kennels, Reg'd

Absent - KALAKIRYA HOWFF RAMBLIN MAN, JC. HM498932/03. 11-10-93. Breeders: L. Littleton and J Godsey. By DC Tour de France of the Wild Hunt, CD, SC - Ch. Kalakirya Howff Orlitza. Owners: Linda Harbertson and Breeders

Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 1st / Best Puppy

1996 Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

Timber Ridge's Zipporah

HM597802/01. 9-26-95. Breeder: Owner
By Ch Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah
Owner: Patricia Hillyard

Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 2nd

Timber Ridge's Abi Of Kenai

HM597802/03. 9-26-95. Breeder: Patricia Hillyard
By Ch. Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah
Owners: Michelle and John Rowton and Breeder

Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 3rd

Vera's Kame My Angel O' The Morning

HM599698/01. 9-8-95. Breeder: Jean E. Brauner
By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya
Owners: Breeder and Cecilia Barnett

Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 4th

1996 Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 4th

Sylvan Chalcedony

HM588331/02. 7-28-95. Breeders: Owners, Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith
By Ch Tamarzi Lord Oliver Grfalcon - Ch Sylvan Evangeline, SC
Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale

BITCHES, 6 Months and Under 9 - OTHER ENTRIES

VERA'S KAME A CLASSIC BEAUTY. HM599698/02. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner: By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya. Owner. Jean E. Brauner

VERA'S KAME A TOUCH OF LACE. HM599698/05. 9-8-95. Breeder: Jean E Brauner. By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya. Owners: Breeder and Lisa M. Brauner

AMBERWINDS WILDFIRE AT RAMADI. HM597907/07. 9-29-95. Breeders Ray and Karen Gowan and Kimberly Mitchell. By Ch. AmberWinds Fire in the Dark JC - Borzaika Ramadi Sweet Horizon. Owners. Susan Mallonee

PICKLE HILL'S FARAH OF SNOWDON. HM597814101. 8-26-95 Breeders Owners: By Snowdon's Bailey Zephyrs Reach - Zephyrs Reach Pickle Hill's Zoe. Owners: Fern Lockrem and Jane Christy and John Cowan

RAMADI SONG WITHOUT END. HM597907/03. 9-29-95. Breeders. Owners: and Kimberly Mitchell. By Ch. AmberWinds Fire In The Dark, JC - Borzaika Ramadi Sweet Horizon. Owners: Ray and Karen Gowan

RAMADI A BRAND NEW SONG. HM597907/01. 9-29-95. Breeders: Owners: and Kimberly Mitchell. By Ch. AmberWinds Fire In The Dark, JC - Borzaika Ramadi Sweet Horizon. Owners: Ray and Karen Gowan

KOSTENOV'S ARIANNA OF WILDWOOD. HM598576/07. 8-25-95. Breeder Louenna Avery. By Can. Ch. Kostenov Elyot Chase - Can. Ch. Amanda Prynne Owner. Wendy Merendini

Absent - NONSUCH RED RIDING HOOD. HM595676/05. 9-24-95. Breeders: Kalen and Karen Dumke By Czardel A Kind of Magic - Ch. Nonsuch Vertigo. Owners: Carole and Gerald Edison and Breeders

Absent - TRUHAVENS ISLE OF BLUE SKIES. HM588234/10. 7-30-95. Breeders: Owner: and Jim and Dottie Trulock. By Ch. Morozova's Stillwater Massai - Truhavens My Fair Lady, CD. Owner. Phyllis Potter

Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

1996 Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

Kajai's Winter Bouquet

HM587143/07. 6-13-95. Breeders: Kathryn and James F. Wright
By Ch. Kajai's Classic - Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha
Owner: Maren Travers

Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 2nd

Ellen's Majenkir Dot-To-Dot

HM586901/08. 5-2-95. Breeders: Owner and Linda Frost-Greco
By Majenkir Phoenix - Ellen's Miss Know-It-All
Owners: Ellen M. Hall

Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 3rd

A Classic Novel

HM598859/03. 6-10-95. Breeders: Owners
By Ch. lzod's Magnum - Cascara's San Antonio Rose
SC. Owners: Star and Rex Allen

Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 4th

1996 Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 4th

Astara's Blessed

HM612254103. 6-29-95. Breeders: Owners
By Astara's Beyond The Blue Neon - Ch. Astara's Originally Yours FCh.
Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

BITCHES, 9 Months and Under 12 - OTHER ENTRIES

TTAWAY DUSTY MAIDEN OF KINOBI. HM576803/04. 5-6-95. Breeders: Melissa J. Pearce and Susan E. Blanchard. By Insight's Ivadon Cresset, JC - Ch. Insight's Elbereth Githoniel. Owner: Rebecca Peters-Campbell

MOROZOVA'S KEEPER OF THE HEART. HM580084/02. 4-7-95. Breeders: Owners. By Morozova's Gypsy Rogue - Morozova's Have A Heart. Owners: Holly Evans and Jerry Moore

YETTA NOTHER REX. HM570106/04. 4-26-95. Breeder. Owner. By T Rex of the Steppes - KD's Miss Chatelaine. Owner. Linda D. Spivak

Absent - KYROV'S TRULY SCRUMPTIOUS CHATAQUA. HM593868/02. 6-22-95 Breeder: Owners. By Ch Chataqua's Desert Phoenix of Kyrov- Rising Star's Ivana. Owners: Amy L. Sorbie, Sara Whittington and Wayne Rowe

Absent - ELLEN'S MAJENKIR BOGINJA. HM586901/07. 5-2-95. Breeders: Ellen M. Hall and Linda Frost-Greco By Majenkir Phoenix - Ellen's Miss Know-It-All Owners: John and Monique Craig and Ellen M. Hall

Absent - KYROV'S SAVIOR FAIR CHATAQUA. HM593868/05. 6-22-95. Breeders. Amy Sorbie and Sara Whittington. By Ch. Chataqua Desert Phoenix of Kyrov - Rising Star's Ivana. Owners: Zo S. Hawkins and Amy Sorbie

Absent - ASTARA'S VERY TRULY YOURS. HM612254106. 6-29-95. Breeders: Owners. By Astara's Beyond The Blue Neon - Ch. Astara's Originally Yours FCh. Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

Bitch, 12 months and under 18 - 1st

1996 Bitch, 12 months and under 18 - 1st

Rusalka Dayspring Breeze

HMSS9220/02. 1-30-95 Breeder: Owner
By Ch Reggae's Tahoe Barbera Drew FCh - Rusalka Moondream Aria, JC.
Owner: Jennifer Beach-Buda

Bitch, 12 months and under 18 - 2nd

Kenai's OO-De-Lally

HM563430/01. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey-Rowton and Mary Childs
By Ch Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Am Can. Ch Kenai's Santa Ana Winds
Owners: Robin and Lesley Clifford

Bitch, 12 months and under 18 - 3rd

O'Bobtor's California Dreamin

HM567305/02. 2-12-95. Breeders: Owner and S.F. Rodarmor
By O'Bobtor Cloak 'N Dager Phantom Lake - Shefaro Marina of O'Bobtor
Owner. Robert Torquato

Bitch, 12 months and under 18 - 4th

Virshina Renaissance Topaz

HM550383/04. 11-9-94 Breeders: Owner and Chris Bradley
By Virshina Renaissance Korbel, CGC - Ch. Virshina Medley
JC Owner: Chris Swilley

BITCHES, 12 months and under 18 - OTHER ENTRIES

KYROV-KATUSHKA IOLANTHE. HM652925/09. 11-4-94. Breeders: Joyce E. Law and Amy Sorbie. By Ch. Katushka's Maestro Moussorgsky - Kyrov's Catarina Vertov. Owners: Susan Van de Water and Amy Sorbie

KATUSHKA'S THEDA BARA. HM552925/07. 11-4-94. Breeders: Owner: and Amy Sorbie. By Ch. Katushka's Maestro Moussorgsky - Kyrov's Catarina Vertov. Owner: Joyce E. Law

KATUSHKA'S ZAZU PITTS. HM662925/05. 11-4-94. Breeders: Joyce E. Law and Amy Sorbie. By Ch. Katushka's Maestro Moussorgsky -Kyrov's Catarina Vertov. Owners: Joyce E. Law and Eric Erickson

PICKLE HILL'S PROBABLE CAUSE. HM559114/04. 10-24-94 Breeder Fern Lokrem. By Silkenswift Ely of Pickle Hill - Pickle Hills Decoto. Owner: Diana E. Cunningham

KATUSHKA'S CLARA BOW OF LOCHSLEY. HM552925/10. 11-4-94 Breeders: Joyce E Law and Amy Sorbie. By Ch Katushka's Maestro Moussorgsky - Kyrov's Catarina Vertov. Owners: Maribeth Bennett and Joyce Law

KIROVA'S INFINITY. HMS65923/02. 12-22-94 Breeder Owner: By Ch Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch Kirova's Legacy of Justyl. Owner: Sue Armstrong

WILDWOOD'S POETRY IN MOTION. HM573151/03. 4-5-95 Breeder: Kay A. Henderson. By Wildwood Travis Paszijec - Kostenov Jezabel of Wildwood, CD. Owners: Susan McCarthy Kroeger and Breeder

KENAI'S ONCE UPON A DREAM. HM563430/03. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey-Rowton and Mary Childs. By Ch Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy CD. SC - Am Can Ch Kenai's Santa Ana Winds. Owners: John and Michelle Luckey-Rowton

KENAI KISS THE GIRL. HM563430/02. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey-Rowton and Mary Childs. By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Am. Can Ch. Kenai's Santa Ana Winds. Owners: Robin and Lesley Clifford

KENAI THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE. HM563430/08. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey-Rowton and Mary Childs. By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Am. Can. Ch. Kenai's Santa Ana Winds. Owners. Joanne Browning and Michelle Luckey-Rowton

AUBURN AUNIKA ROSE ROYALE. HM572167/0. 4-3-95. Breeders: Bill Hemby and Cynthia Dell By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell. Owner. Susan Marcyan

LARA'S SECRET GARDEN GUARDIAN ANGEL. HM597893/01. 2-17-95 Breeder: Mary Moran. By Ch. Secret Garden Song of Songs - Chowhaven Hanna. Owners: Joseph Lara and Mary Moran

WINFIELD SHAMELESS NOVEL. HM566430/11. 2-14-95. Breeder. Barbara Reilly By Kenai Winfield The Commish - Kenai Winfield Picket Fences. Owners: Star and Rex Allen and Breeder

WILDWOOD VENDELA. HM568092/11. 3-27-95. Breeders: Owners: and Bruce and Rosemary Sutton. By Ch. Wildwood Cyrano de Kostenov, JC - Delilah of Wildwood. Owners: Dr. Kay Henderson and Wyatt Delfino

WYNSELLIER'S ETERNAL FLAME. HM564579/03. 11-3-94. Breeder: Karen Nixon. By Ch Seabury's Sans Souci - Sirhan Dyan Paskovna. Owners: Betty and Barry Sullivan and Breeder

MYSTIC ONE NIGHT OF SIN. HM545276/01. 11-5-94 Breeder: Owner. By Zenovia Houdini del Viento - Ch. Alarik's A Boundless Moment. Owner: Laura Van Diest.

MAJENKIR TSUNSHINE AT BOOKSTOR. HM553256/02. 12-11-94. Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Ch Majenkir Tzidera Owners: Dr. Howard and Karen Spey

PORTSPSOVAIA'S BORZOODLE, JC. HM550982/04. 11-6-94. Breeder: John Von Schlegel. By Obskaya's Kenya Portspsovaia - Obskaya's India Portspsovaia, JC. Owner: Susan Lundebjerg

Bitch, Novice - 1st

1996 Bitch, Novice - 1st

Del Sol Albireo

HM529142/04. 7-25-94. Breeder: Susan Van de Water
By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Raider of Kyrov - Rabrega Protege
Owners: Teleni Ballard and Breeder

Bitch, Novice - 2nd

Obskaya's Maja

HM658251/01. 10-2-94. Breeder: Eric Kurz
By Zephyr's Reach Echoic Motion - Obskaya's Urana
Owners: Raymond and Karen Gowan

Bitch, Novice - 3rd

Calaron Chocolate Parfait

HM514104/11. 4-19-94. Breeder: Penny Keiffer
By Nightsong Marley's Ghost - Somerset Persia of Calaron
Owner: Christina Corry

Bitch, Novice - 4th

1996 Bitch, Novice - 4th

Yare Dauntless, JC

HM516380/14. 5-1-94. Breeder. Owner
By Yare Clipper Firey Cross - Yare Sea Witch, SC
Owner. Eugene Hill


Absent - LORELEI TOMINOT CHANCLOUD. HM536865/06. 8-12-94. Breeder: Elizabeth Kawakami. By Int. Am. Ch. Bucksilver Dreamcloud Dancer, CGC - Sontse Heat Wave. Owners: Toni A. Paskey and Breeder

Absent - SHADY LUCK'S TESUQUE. HM612891/04. 4-8-94. Breeder. Sandra Holley. By Shady Luck's One Fantastic Guy - Shady Luck's Distant Daydream. Owners: Tara and Stephen Earley

Absent - V'INDRA'S OORANIA OBSKAYA. HM444312/03. 11-3-92. Breeder. Eric Kurz. By Obskaya's Farwo - V'Indra's Midnight. Owners: Charlotte Wheeler and Breeder

Bitch, Bred by Exhibitor - 1st

1996 Bitch, Bred by Exhibitor - 1st

Rising Star's Mercedes

HM537557/02. 7-10-94. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Igor de Nikolaiev - Ch. Rising Star Mariza Forvr Amber
Owner: Nadine Johnson

Bitch, Bred by Exhibitor - 2nd

1996 Bitch, Bred by Exhibitor - 2nd

Majenkir Tzelena

HM553256/01. 12-11-94. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor- Ch. Majenkir Tzidera
Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Bitch, Bred by Exhibitor - 3rd

Chrysalis Windfall Confetti

HMS09897/03. 1-26-94 Breeder: Owner
By Ch Nonsuch Grozny - Ch Nonsuch Vedma of Chrysalis
Owner: Pam Leichtnam

Bitch, Bred by Exhibitor - 4th

Regius Twice Thrilling

HM464566/05. 3-18-93. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Rohnoke's Ashton - Am. Can. Ch. Koroba's Lust For Life
Owner: Doreen Carlstad

BITCHES, Bred by Exhibitor - OTHER ENTRIES

WIND 'N SATIN BLACK SUEDE. HD763530. 8-20-89. Breeder: Mary Childs By Ch. Knapovich's Diavolo of JEM, CD - Ch. Wind 'n Satin Celesta Kristull. Owners: Lydia Hiby and Breeder

SHEFARO TALLEN MEELAH CESAR. HM475812/04. 6-18-93. Breeder: Owner: and Tim Allen. By Ch. Shefaro Reyna Emperador FNX - Ch. Shefaro Reyna's Raisa. Owner: Sherry Faye Rodarmor-Appell

MOROZOVA'S GLITTER GULCH GIRL. HM511461 /07. 3-26-94 Breeders. Janet Adams and Owner. By Ch Morozova's Stillwater Massai - Ch. Selman's Leishka Morozova. CDX. Owner. Jerry Moore

YARE AMBITIOUS, JC. HM516380/14. 5-1-94. Breeder: Owner. By Yare Clipper Firey Cross - Yare Sea Witch, SC. Owner: Eugene Hill

SHADY LUCK'S WISPER IN THE DARK. HM453962/04. 3-4-93. Breeder: Owner: and Susan Mallonee. By Ch. Zephyr's Reach Magic Mirth - Ch. Shady Luck's Cascade Blues. Owner: Sandra Holley

MOROZOVA STELLA BY STARLIGHT, JC. HM457372/04. 4-2-93. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Twin Elms Batyi - Ch. Selman's Leishka Morozova, CDX. Owners: Janet Y. Adams and Jerry Ball Moore

BORZAIKA RAMADI SWEET HORIZON. HM297141 /01. 6-5-90. Breeder: Kimberly Mitchell and Karen Linneman. By Barich Iago Ramadi Kimden. Owners: Ray and Karen Gowan and Kimberly Mitchell

PICKLE HILL'S HAHINANA. HM559114/01. 10-24-94. Breeder: Owner. By Silkenswift Ely Pickle Hill - Pickle Hill's Decoto. Owner. Fern Lockrem

CRESSET'S ESPIRIT WIND STAR. HM539123/03. 4-24-94. Breeders: Ann Marie Wiseman, Kim Feldman and Owner. By Am. Can. Ch. Rokaro's Agate of Cresset, JC, FCh. - Ch. Evrapath Ozzouna. Owner. Susan Blanchard

ASTARA'S IN MY TIME. HM501060/03. 8-20-93. Breeders: Owner: and Pam Polk. By Astara's Total Recall - Astara's Sweet Imagination. Owner. Carvey Graves

SOYARA MYSTICAL DREAM. HM455180/10. 2-7-93. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Freeflight's Electraglide - Ch. Lanel's Sweet Dream of Soyara. Owners: Prudence Hlatky, Mary Mazur and Karen Shepard

LEGENDTORCH O' THE SILVERDOVE. HM507136/07. 2-9-94. Breeders Owner: and Mary Childs. By Wind 'n Satin Legendmaster - Birchwood Silver Legend. Owner: Lynn K. Wall

Absent - SNOWBIRD PRIEST'S TEARS. HM515131/01. 3-20-94. Breeder: Owner. By Ch Quin's Brinson Signet - Ch. Shefaro Rreyna's Evita. Owner. Shawn Nguyen

Absent - KRASALOV RULET ZEPHYR'S REACH, SC. HM365577/04. 7-12-91 Breeders Owner: and J and J. Cowan By Ch. Zephyr's Reach KR Wind n Satin - Kraslov Queen of Trumps. Owner: Edwina M. Berg

Absent - LAURELGLEN'S MY FAIR LADY. HM528133/01. 6-15-94. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Cordova-Mishkova Starman Karistan - Ch. Zenovia Jaguar Del Viento, CD. Owner: Elaine J. Kilmer

Absent - KIFKA ISIS. HM325930/06. 11-14-90. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Kifka's Explorer - Kifka Falana. Owners: Patricia M. and Kenneth T. Burton, Jr.

Bitch, American Bred - 1st

1996 Bitch, Amerian Bred - 1st

Insight's Ivanna Of Attaway

HM456996/04. 11-18-92. Breeders: B. Curtis, W. Miller and M. Armstrong (Canada)
By Ch. Rohnoke's Ashton - Ch. Elmden's Graceland of Insight
Owner: Melissa J. Pearce

Bitch, American Bred - 2nd

Mandolin Moorland Laika

HM528718/04. 7-21-94. Breeder. Pat Hardy
By Ch Romanoff of the Moorlands, JC, CGC, TDI - Moorland's Kamyenskya
Owners: Breeder: Therese Beamer and Brenda Wendt

Bitch, American Bred - 3rd

Sky Run Victoria's Deja Vu

HM539854/02. Breeder: Barbara Skinner
By Ch. Phaedra Sky Run Crusin' Along - Ch. Sky Run Crown Victoria
Owners: Janice McMinn, Jean Patten and Breeder

Bitch, American Bred - 4th

Rising Star Marushka

HM737557/03. 6-10-94. Breeder: Nadine Johnson
By Ch. Igor de Nikolaiev - Ch. Rising Star Mariza Forvr Amber
Owners: Frank S. and Janet N. Browne and Breeder


DEL SOL ALGOL. HM529142J05. 7-25-94 Breeder. Owner. By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Raider of Kyrov - Rabrega Protege. Owner: Susan Van de Water

SHEFARO BORLLIES' ALLEGRA. HM51877&/06. 5-10-94. Breeders: Timothy Allen and Sherry Faye Rodarmor. By Ch. Shefaro Reyna Emperador FNX - Ch. Shefaro Rreyna's Raisa. Owner. Holly Bourne

PICKLE HILL'S JASMINE. HM537142/06. 9-5-94. Breeder. Fern Lockrem. By Snowdon's Bailey Zephyr's Reach - Pickle Hills Sunshine. Owner: Nancy Levine

LAURELGLEN'S ANNA KARENINA. HM528133/03. 6-15-94. Breeder: Elaine Kilmer. By Ch. Cordova-Mishkova Starman Karistan - Ch. Zenovia Jaguar Del Viento, CD. Owners: Joanne and Lynn Aase

PICKLE HILL'S ABAGAIL ADAMS, JC. HM547995/04. 9-27-94. Breeder: Fern Lockrem. By Pickle Hills Czar-Pickle Hill's Amy, FCh. Owner: Sally E. Barron

SHADY LUCK'S BREATHLESS. HM512890/02. 4-8-94. Breeder. Owner. By Shady Luck's One Fantastic Guy - Ch. Shady Lucie's Distant Daydream. Owner. Sandra Holley

ALDEMOOR'S STORMSWIFT BOREAL. HM406105/05. 4-28-92. Breeders: Sandra L. Zeboski and Kanne Ear1-Bowers. By Ch. Aldemoor's Even It Up, SC - Aldemoor's Brekke. Owners: Machelle and Paul Metz

GENTLEWIND REVENANT BABUSHKA. HM551322/02. 9-17-94. Breeder: Ted Ferris. By Gentlewind Lutolf -Gentlewind Tamara of Chardan. Owner. Christina Corry

PICKLE HILL'S WILL FOR LIFE. HM491116/06. 10-31-93. Breeder: Fern Lockrem. By Ch. Magic Moon's Shadow Dancer, CD -Pickle Hill's Arapaho Secret. Owner: Mayme M. Disney

ASPENGLO GABRIELLE ROYALE. HM558460/09. 1-9-95. Breeders: E. L. Ward and Karen J. Humm. By Ch. Igor De Nikolaiev - Ch. Kyrov's Aspenglo Demasque, CD. Owner: Susan Marcyan

GENTLEWIND BATIK. HM551322/04. 9-17-94 Breeder: Ted Ferris. By Gentlewind Lutolf - Gentlewind Tamara of Chardan Owner. Lana Struckoff

ASTARA'S BRING ON THE LUCIE. HM462701/03. 12-20-92. Breeder. Owner: By Astara's Beyond the Blue Neon -Astara's Love In Song, F Ch. Owner. Carvey Graves

SOYARA'S MISLEADING LADY ESSAR. HM542928/04. 6-17-94. Breeders: Owners: By Ch. Soyara's Johnny B. Goode - Ch. Lanel's Sweet Dream of Soyara. Owners: Prudence Hlatky and Sabrina Rhodes

Absent - ELLEN'S KOHINOOR. HM545698/02. 9-6-94. Breeder: Ellen M. Hall By Ellen's Little Big Man -Ch. Ellen's Majenkir Amazin Grace. Owner. Linda Frost-Greco

Bitch, Open - 1st / Winners Bitch / Award of Merit

1996 Bitch, Open - 1st

Harvesters Kate Of Swanmanor

HM492258/03. 10-26-93. Breeder: Victoria Leborn
By Ch. Rising Star Dmitriof Sunbarr - Ch. Harvesters Katya of Kishniga
Owners: Dr. Lionel Kranitz and Breeder

Bitch, Open - 2nd

1996 Bitch, Open - 2nd

Katushka's Moonlight Minuet

HM422345/01. 7-6-92. Breeder: Joyce E. Law
By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Seabury's Delightful Dziga
Owners: Maribeth Bennett and Breeder

Bitch, Open - 3rd

Swiftess Private Lives

AE985698 (Canada). 3-22-92. Breeders: Ken and Cherie Cook
By Can. Ch. Swiftess Kishniga Java - Can. Ch. Swiftess African Queen, Can. FCh.
Owner. Maren Travers

Bitch, Open - 4th

Cernak's Honor Bright

HM350085/02. 3-12-91. Breeders: Edgar and Debra Decker
By Ch. Cernak's Triumphs Call - Cernaks Lucky Charm
Owner: Virginia Gudmundson


CHATAQUA'S TEXAS TUMBLEWEED OF KYROV. HM476688/03. 5-17-93. Breeders: Sara Whittington, Greg Davis, Roger Owens and Amy Sorbie. By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch. Chataqua Shadowsong of Rivendel. Owners: Susan Van de Water, Sara Whittington, Wayne Rowe and Amy Sorbie

CAMILLE OF CHARDAN. HM436775/07. 10-24-92. Breeder: Daniel Bledsoe. By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch. Windborn's Rising Star Kasha. Owner. Ruth Herrmann

JEBO'S PEMBA TOKAY. HM412627/01. 5-24-92. Breeder. Janiece and John Jelatis. By Obskaya's Farwo - V'Indra's Peaches. Owner: Eric Kurz

ANUSHAKA KETURAH. HD80397 4. 12-21-89. Breeder: Pamela Wallace. By Sirhan Sunbarr Breketov -Ch. Falkenar Bel Esprit. Owner. Patricia Hillyard

SKY RUN SPINDRIFT MIRABELLA. HM496132/02. Breeders: Barbara Skinner and Angela San Paolo. By Ch. Phaedra Sky Run Cruis'n Along - Sky Run Foxcroft Penny, JC. Owners: Tom and Laurie Kasowski

WIND 'N SATIN DANGEROUS LADY. HM4225621/02. 8-15-92. Breeders Mary Childs Denise A. and Barry J. Edelman, MD. By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy. CD, SC - Ch SarShanSa Swan Lake. JC Owners: Marcelo and Claudia Echavez and Mary Childs

PICKLE HILL'S ANA. HM502161 /05. 1-10-94. Breeder: Annette Rosenstock. By RA Matisse of Pickle Hill - RA Pickle Hill's Ariel. Owner. Sandra Wornum

STILLWATER MOUNTAIN MUSIC. HM505206/03. 12-25-93. Breeder: Charles R. Tyson. By Stillwater Jerusalem Ridge - Stillwater O' I'll Fly Away. Owners: Ramanov Kennels, Reg'd

ARAGORN'S MOLLY BROWN. HM423683/02. 5-12-92. Breeders: Cheryl Gower and Nancy L. Smith. By Aragorn's Buran - Aragorn's Raisa of Lorien. Owner: Sally E. Barron

ANANDA MONA LISA. HM493533/04. 9-26-93. Breeder: Anna Stewart. By Ch. Cavallino Nicholai Fechin - Majenkir Tzora. Owner: Kathleen B. Humphrey

MOROZOVA'S PASSIONATA. HM511461/03. 3-26-94. Breeders: Owner: and Jerry Ball Moore. By Ch. Morozova's Stillwater Massai - Ch. Selman's Leishka Morozova, CDX. Owner: Janet Y. Adams

ARUZIA'S FLYING SKY HIGH. HM499945/02. 11-17-93. Breeders: owners. By Ch. Sky Run's Along For The Ride - Phaedras Sri Lanka Pearl. Owners: John and Lorrie Scott

PICKLE HILL'S MASQUALIA. HM502161 /06. 1-10-94. Breeder: Annette Rosenstock. By RA Matisse of Pickle Hill - RA Pickle Hill's Ariel. Owner. Fern Lockrem

REGIUS DAR MOREV RED SAND. HM500297/01. 10-19-93. Breeders: Owner: and B. Solga. By Insight's Heretic At Regius - Dar Morev's Trillian. Owner: Doreen Carlstad

KATHERINE OF BORZOI PLACE. HM421189/01. 6-21-92. Breeder: Norma Jean Nye. By Borzoi Place Special Delivery- Phantom Lake Silver Thaw. Owners: Barry D. Stevens and Breeder

SNOWBIRD TERROR OF COAST. HM515131/09. 3-20-94. Breeder: Shawn Nguyen. By Ch. Quin's Brinson Signet - Ch. Shefaro Rreyna's Evita. Owners: Gregg Lorenat and Breeder

AZUMA WHISPER IN THE WIND. HM491529/02. 10-31-93. Breeder: David A. Gordon. By Ch. Phantom Lake Twist Of Fate - Borzoi Place Dot In The Dark. Owners: Barry D. Stevens and Breeder

SARINGA'S AMARETTO. 2444CE (England). 8-20-90. Breeders: Miss J. Dove and Mr. V. Harrison. By Livny Black Eagle- Tovarisjtj's Takhomova. Owner: Susan Blanchard

KD'S MISS CHATELAINE. HM444614/03. 12-4-92. Breeders: Jonnie and George Squyres. By Bizzi B Remus De Lobo - Czarcrest Nadya. Owner: Linda D. Spivak

ASTARA'S LOVE AWAKE CAVALLINO, FCH. HM383484/01. 2-17-91. Breeder. Owner. By Astara's Nicavallino - Astara's Love In Song, FCh. Owner: Carvey Graves

ASTARA'S SWEET DECEIT. HM498164/02. 2-6-91. Breeders: Carvey Graves and Pam Polk. By Astara's Beyond The Blue Neon - Astara's Sweet Surprise. Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

DELILAH OF WILDWOOD. HM398636/02. 3-9-92. Breeder: Dr. Kay A. Henderson. By Kostenov El Gallo - Kostenov Jezabel of Wildwood, CD. Owners: Breeder and Wyatt Delfino

MAJENKIR TZORA ANANDA. HM412921/06. 5-26-92. Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch. Birchwood's Masquerade, SC - Ch. Majenkir Tzidera. Owner: Anna Stewart

Absent - SNOWBIRD'S SONG SHASSHABELLE. HM385521/01. 12-14-91. Breeder. Owner. By Ch. Shefaro's Rreyna Royce -Brinson Helavavitch. Owner. Shawn Nguyen

Absent - VRONSKY SWEET FREEDOM. HM463646/01. 9-29-90. Breeders: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Downes. By Olias King Crimson of Stonebar - Vronsky Sweet Charity. Owners: Debra and Mal Heindel

Absent - BANNAHYDE'S MAVRIKA O'ZCERLOV. HM397720/05. 2-5-92. Breeder. J. R. Long, DVM and Jeane S. Long. By Bannahyde's Maverick - Bannahyde's Charlotte. Owner. Barbara H. Todd

Absent - ZEPHYR'S REACH SHEYASH BLUE MOON. HD852464. 1-23-90. Breeders Barbara O'Neill and J and J Cowan. By Ch. Zephyr's Reach Magic Mirth - Ch Sheyash Zephyr's Reach Portia. Owner: Edwina M. Berg

Absent - VIRSHINA ROSIE OF MORGANDELL. HD888418. 2-12-90. Breeders: Kelley Mills and Cyndi Dell. By Fortrouge Ashley - Morgandell Manouschka. Owner: William Hemby

Absent - SHEBA SIREN OF THE STEPPES. HM513502/01. 2-21-94. Breeder. Monika Stachon. By Fiedka Kniaz of the Steppes - Czuma Carska Chluba. Owner. Jonnie Squyres

Absent - LOCHOPT FOXCROFT GINGER. HM477685/05. 5-20-93. Breeders: Peter and Angela San Paolo. By Ch. Sky Run's Along For The Ride - Ch. Foxcroft's Senta of Loral. Owners: Barbara and Richard A. Cromley and Angela San Paolo

Absent - ELLEN'S MISS KNOW-IT-ALL. HD845218. 4-15-90. Breeder. Ellen M. Hall. By Ch. Ellen's Mr. Big - V'Indra's Zsa Zsa Freude. Owners: Linda S. Frost Greco and Breeder

Dog, Veteran 7 years and under 10 - 1st

1996 Dog, Veteran 7 years and under 10 - 1st

Ch. Bucksilvr Minstrl Of The Dawn

HD549029. 3-8-87. Breeders Virginia P and Kenneth E Graff
By Ch Majenkir Jantar Trumpeter - Ch Bucksilvers Gypsy Wind. CD
Owner: Nancy Thurston

DOGS, Veteran 7 Years and Under 10 - OTHER ENTRIES

CH. WINDKIST SOMERSET CHANCE. HD756395. 5-17-88 Breeder E. Green By Ch Somerset Tatinger Rising Star - Ch Jocanda of Rising Star. Owner: Jacqueline Gregory

INT. AM. CH. BUCKSILVER DREAMCLOUD DANCR, CGC. HD549027. 3-8-87 Breeder Virginia P and Kenneth E Graff By Ch Majenkir Jantar Trumpeter - Ch Bucksilvers Gypsy Wind. CD Owners: Toni A. Paskey and Virginia P. Graff

CH. KOLYA OF RISING STAR, CD, FCH. HD481187. 2-15-87. Breeder: Nadine Johnson. By Ch. Kallista Allegro Con Brio - Ch. Tatiana of Rising Star. Owners. Frank and Janet Browne

CH. ASTARA'S LAST GOODBYE. HD471145. 5-21-86. Breeder: Owner. By Po Dusham Intuition of Astara - Ch. Astara's Winter Rose. Owner: Carvey Graves

CH. SHADY LUCK'S ROMANCING THE STONE. HD494478. 10-16-86. Breeder: L.K. Urdiales. By Ch. Shady Luck's I Ain't A Saint- Ch. Brolin's Kyzyl Shavon. Owner: Lisa Saldana

Absent - SOMERSET TENGIS TANGLE WOOD. HD693775. 12-9-88. Breeder. Jacqueline Gregory. By Ch Somerset Dom Perignon - Somerset Magic. Owners: Lone Nielsen and Kellie Lewis

Absent - CH. SHADY LUCK'S ONE N ONLY RAJAI. HD517272. Breeder. Owner. By Ch Shady Luck's l'm Sensational - Ch Shady Luck's Dancy Fantasy. Owner: Sandra Holley

Absent - CH. AURORAL'S TITANIUM AT SEABURY, JC. H0748483. 4-2-89. Breeder: Jon T. Steele. By Seabury's Silver Streak - Ch. Bokhara Wind Falcon. Owners: Carolyn Rennie and Margaret Saucerman

Dog, Veteran 10 years and older - 1st

Aragorn's His Masters Voice

HD426433. 3-20-85. Breeders: Owners
By Aragorn's Eldarion - Aragorn's Tar-Ancalime Sarin
Owners: Cheryl A. and Charles L Gower

DOGS, Veteran 10 Years and Older - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - PICKLE HILL'S CANDYMAN. HD276227. 11-7-84. Breeder. Owner. By Ch. Pickle Hill's Ghillie Dhu - Rancho Gabriel Camby. Owner. Fern Lockrem

Bitch, Veteran 7 years and under 10 - 1st

1996 Bitch, Veteran 7 years and under 10 - 1st

Ch. Shady Luck's Distand Daydream

HD670308. 9-25-88. Breeder. Owner
By Ch. Shady Luck's Romancin The Stone - Ch. Shady Luck's Sensational Mirage
Owner. Sandra Holley

BITCHES, Veteran 7 years and under 10 - OTHER ENTRIES

CH. ZEPHYR'S REACH ASCENDING STAR. HD751657. 7-13-88. Breeders: J. and J. Cowan. By Ch. Zephyrs Reach Ascending Sun - Ch. Zephyrs Reach Sassafras. Owners: R. and A. Cherrie and Breeders

SOMERSET WHITNEY, COX. HD484861. 2-6-87. Breeder: Jacqueline Gregory. By Swiftcroft Oh Oh Antonio - Somerset Anna Pavlova. Owner: Margaret J. Jemison

CH. ZCERLOV'S REVEILLE. HD532309. 2-5-87. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Jantar Trumpeter - Ch. Zcerlov's Evita. Owner: Barbara H. Todd

CH. KYROV'S RISING STAR NASTASSJA, CO, FCH. HD443847. 8-6-86. Breeder: Nadine Johnson. By Lanel's Rio Grand - Ch. Selica of Rising Star. Owner: Amy L Sorbie

SOMERSET SIERRA. HD513182. 2-6-87. Breeder: Jacqueline Gregory. By Swiftcroft Oh Oh Antonio - Somerset Anna Pavlova. Owner: Gall E. Gifford

CH. INSIGHT'S ELBERETH GITHONIEL. HM466187/01. 7-28-88. Breeder: Wayne F.E. Miller. By Insight's Cujo Karatai - Ruoff's Cameo Blue. Owner: Melissa J. Pearce

SUNHAWK'S NATALIA RAMADI. HD881292. 12-12-88. Breeders: David and Karen Linneman. By Sintara's Nureyev V'Indra - Ramadi Bolynne. Owners: John and Joy Skalbeck

CH. NAYUPI'S CRAZY COYOTE. HD706173. 7-15-88. Breeder. Lynn Green. By Nayupi's Dance of The Dakota - Nayupi's Dance of The Mahican. Owners: Breeder and Angela Hagen

CH. TWIN ELM'S RAEZA. HD693022. 10-30-88. Breeder: Sylvia Sohr. By Twin Elm's Mighty Aragorn - Sama of Tishgulla. Owners: Suzan and David Breaz and Breeder

CH. ASTARA'S ORIGINALLY YOURS, FCH. HM181320/02. 12-3-87. Breeders: Carvey Graves and Pam Polk. By Ch. Astara's Last Goodbye - Astara's Imagine My Surprise. Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

PICKLE HILL'S WINDY RIDGE ECHO. HD474788. 2-5-87. Breeders: Fern Lockrem and Susan van Wemmer. By Pickle Hill's Iao - White Wind Flurry Pickle Hill. Owner: Arlene Kingsley

Absent - CH. KARITONOVA BLANC DE NOIRS. HD5441256. 5-10-87. Breeder: Mary 8. Horn. By Ch. Majenkir Stolichnaya - Karitonova Anais Anais. Owners: Kimberley A. Horn and Breeder

Absent - SOMERSET SERA FAYNA. HD693773. 12-9-88. Breeder. Jacqueline Gregory. By Ch. Somerset Dom Perignon - Somerset Magic. Owners: Kellie Lewis and Lone Nielsen

Absent - PICKLE HILL'S ZUNI DUST DEVIL HD611661. 1-18-88. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Oronzova Ariston - Windyglen's CC of Pickle Hill, CD. Owner. Fern Lockrem

Absent - Sontse Ballyn. HD475671. 3-19-87. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Vernor View Hart To Heart - Sontse Abrina. Owners: C.H. Rennie and C.L. Terry

Bitch, Veteran 10 years and older - 1st

1996 Bitch, Veteran 10 years and older - 1st

Ch. Shefaro Primavera Tessa

HD418498. 6-19-85. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Keshari Caballero of Shefaro, CD - Ch. Cherta von Smetanka, CD, FCh.
Owner: Sherry Faye Rodarmor-Appell

BITCHES, Veteran 10 Years and Older - OTHER ENTRIES

Ch. Zephyr's Reach Kirala Snowdon, CD, CGC. HD173585. 3-15-84. By Ch. Zephyr's Reach Conquer In Ages - V'Indra Zephyr's Reach Cayenne. Owner: Nancy Levine

Ch. Astara's Double Fantasy, FCh. HD370859. 12-1-85. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Essence of Po Dusham - Ch. Astara's Winter Rose. Owner: Carvey Graves

Absent - Ch. Pickle Hills Windsong. HD279273. Breeder: Fern Lockrem. By Ranchito's Rainbow Spirit - Pickle Hills Annie Oakley. Owner: Susan Mallonee

Brace Class - 1st

1996 Brace Class - 1st

Klasyx Chulista Irish Lullaby and Ch. Wind 'N Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC, LCM, CGC

Owners: A. Stout and L. Cooper / Owner: M. Childs

Brace Class - 2nd

SVershin's Sergei and Mandolin Moorland Laika

Owner: Brenda Wendt / Owners: Breeder: Therese Beamer and Brenda Wendt

Brace Class - 3rd

Ananda Mona Lisa and Ch. Majenkir Basha O'Squirrel Hill

Owner: Kathleen B. Humphrey


Absent - MYSTIC WHEN THE NIGHT COMES. Owner: Cliff Thrasher and MYSTIC ONE NIGHT OF SIN. Owner. Laura Van Diest

Team Class - 1st

1996 Team Class - 1st

Morozova's Stellar Wind, SC / Morozova's Rushan / Morozova Stella By Starlight, JC / Morozova's Passionata

Owners: Breeders and Hal Cousins / Owner: Janet Y. Adams / Owners: Janet Y. Adams and Jerry Ball Moore / Owner. Janet Y. Adams

Stud Dog Class - 1st

Vernor View Travis

HM449102/06. 11-8-92 Breeders: Bill and Mary Jane Sillers
By Ch Seabury's Chrisma - Vernor View Sovereign
Owners. Jean E. Brauner and Phyllis Brettell

Stud Dog Class - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - CH. MAJENKIR NAVRON MAMBRINO. HD764415. 5-29-89. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Arcticus - Ch. Majenkir Jennifer. Owner. Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Brood Bitch Class - 1st

1996 Brood Bitch Class - 1st

Ch. Kenai's Santa Ana Winds

HD849291. 5--6-89. Breeder: Owner
By Izod's Mannix - Ch. Savladai Gypsy Dreams
Owner. Michelle Luckey-Rowton

Brood Bitch Class - 2nd

1996 Brood Bitch Class - 2nd

Ch. Nonsuch Vedma Of Chrysalis

HD895084. 5-23-90. Breeders: Karen and Kalen Dumke
By Ch Nonsuch The Talisman - Ch. Nonsuch Nemesis
Owners: Pam and Bill Leichtnam (Bitch)

Brood Bitch Class - 3rd

1996 Brood Bitch Class - 3rd

Anushaka Keturah

HD803974. 12-21-89. Breeder: Pamela Wallace
By Sirhan Sunbarr Breketov- Ch. Falkenar Bel Esprit
Owner. Patricia Hillyard

Brood Bitch Class - 4th

1996 Brood Bitch Class - 4th

Ch. Insight's Elbereth Githoniel

HM456187/01. 7-28-88. Breeder. Wayne F .E. Miller (Canada)
By Insight's Cujo Karatai - Ruoff's Cameo Blue
Owner: Melissa J. Pearce

Brood Bitch Class - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - BORZAIKA RAMADI SWEET HORIZON. HM297141/01. 6-5-90. Breeder. Kimberly Mitchell and Karen Linneman. By Barich Iago Ramadi Kimden. Owners: Ray and Karen Gowan and Kimberly Mitchell

Absent - VIRSHINA ROSIE OF MORGANDELL. HD888418. 2-12-90. Breeders: Kelley Mills and Cyndi Dell. By Fortrouge Ashley - Morgandell Manouschka. Owner. William Hemby

General Specials - OTHER ENTRIES

CH. SKY RUN SPINDRIFT SERENGETI. HM331999/04. 1-17-91. Breeder: Barbara Skinner By Ch. Majenkir Sky Strider - Ch. Sky Run Morning Sun. Owners. Tom and Laurie Kasowski (Dog)

CH CHATAQUA'S DESERT RAIDER OF KYROV. HM447594/09. 8-26-92. Breeders Sara Whittington, Wanda Sanders and Amy Sorbie. By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch. Chataqua's Tasha Mahadi. Owner. Susan Van de Water (Dog)

CH. KATUSHKA'S MAESTRO MOUSSORGSKY. HM422345/08. 7-6-92. Breeder. Joyce E. Law. By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Seabury's Delightful Dziga. Owners: Eric Erickson and Breeder (Dog)

CH. WIND 'N SATIN BLACK LEGACY, CD, SC, LCM, CGC. HD763529. 8-20-89 Breeder Owner: By Ch Knapovich Diavolo of Jem. CD - Ch Wind 'n Satin Celestal Kristull Owner: M. Childs (Dog)

CH MAJENKIR PSOVAYA BARZAYA. HM346648/06. 4-8-91. Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona By Ch Majenkir Signatuur - Majenkir Offkey Peregrine. Owner: Beverly C. Taylor (Dog)

CH. KAJAI'S CLASSIC. HM429599/07. 8-30-92 Breeders: Kathryn and James Wright By Ch Wolstencroft Peerless Kajai, SC - Ch. Kajai's Glimpse of Divinity: Owners: Dr. Marvin and Marsha Frace and Breeders (Dog)

CH BUCKSILVER'S TROUBADOUR. HD771711. 12-5-88. Breeders: Owners: By Bucksilver's Highwayman - Ch Bucksilvers Ladyhawke. Owners: Kenneth E. and Virginia P. Graff (Dog)

CH. BRAVO'S TAISCHENKO OF VOLGA. HM390192/01. 10-1-91. Breeders: Bruna Henry and Jeanne Abramson. By Ch Elista's Magic Dragon V Taugo - Fanda of Volga. Owners. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abramson (Dog)

AM. CAN. CH. ROSSAK OF ENFIELD. HM409030/06. 4-4-92 Breeder: Marjory Whitehurst Epstein. By Ch. Sky Run Tellstar - Seabury's Segen. Owner: Dana R. Thompson (Dog)

CH. FALKENARS FORBIDDEN TRESOR. HM378910/05. 8-28-91. Breeders: Steve and Leslie Gomez. By Ch. Zenovia's Highwind of Falkenar - Keljhenni's Hghlanna. Owner. Garnett Thompson (Dog)

CH. HALTAI DES COURSIERS DE NICOLAIEVITCH. HM437635/01. 2-4-92 Breeders: M. Thalgott and E. Osterman. By Ch. Dourakine de Nikolaiev - Vetluga E. D'Outers-Teen. Owner: Jiro Takemura (Dog)

CH. SHADY LUCK'S PAINT THE WIND. HM490016/03. 10-15-93. Breeder. Owner. By Ch. Harvester's Midnight Phantom - Shady Luck's Blue Jean Dancer Owner: Sandra Holley (Dog)

CH. CASCARA'S COME NEXT MONDAY, JC. HM367398/01. 4-2-91. Breeders. Owner: and Jean Dennis. By Tyme Day By Day - Ch. Crescent's Phantom Lake Pieta. FCh. Owner: Jeanne Robertson (Dog)

CH. WILDWOOD CYRANO DE KOSTENOV, JC. HM389649/05. 11-5-91. Breeder: Louenna K. Avery. By Kostenov Mister Berlin - Kostenov Lily Garland. Owners: Dr. Kay Henderson and Nicholas Delfino (Dog)

CH. MAJENKIR NAVRON MAMBRINO. HD764415. 5-29-89 Breeder Owner: By Ch Majenkir Arcticus - Ch Majenkir Jennifer. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona (Dog)

CH. V'INDRA'S CASIMIR STANISLAS. HM466195/02. 5-24-93 Breeder: Charlotte Wheeler. By V'Indra's Zyazandyego - V'Indra's Midnight. Owners: Kerstin Brolin and Tracy Olson (Dog)

CH. CASCARA'S RESTLESS HEART, SC. HM367398/02. 4-2-91 Breeders: Jeanne Robertson and Jean Dennis By Tyme Day By Day - Ch. Crescent's Phantom Lake Pieta Owner: Cindy Klein (Dog)

CH. ANDVELL DUEL OF TWIN ELMS. HM507867/03. 3-16-94. Breeder: Patricia Smith By Ch. Regency Royal Flush, JC - Andvell Lady Hawke. Owners: Suzan Breaz and Sylvia Sohr (Dog)

CH. HARVESTERS MIDNIGHT PHANTOM. HM3660&9/06. 8-8-91. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Nonsuch Katmandu O'Harvester - Harvesters American Pie. Owner: Dr. Lionel Kranitz (Dog)

CH. ARUZIA'S FREQUENT FLYER. HM499945/01. 11-17-93. Breeder. Owners. By Ch Sky Run's Along For The Ride - Phaedras Sri Lanka Pearl. Owners: John and Lorrie Scott (Dog)

CH. SKY RUN CORDOVA TELLUS. HM 377141/02. 8-27-91. Breeders Barbara Skinner and Louise Siegert. By Ch. Sky Run Tellstar - Ch Podarn Icis. Owners. Tom and Laurie Kasowski and Barbara Skinner (Bitch)

CH. RISING STAR SOMERSET VISIONS. HM405900/03. 4-25-92 Breeder: Nadine Johnson. By Am Gan Ch Sirhan Sunbarr Chekov -Ch Rising Star Delia of Rising Star. Owner: Jacqueline Gregory (Bitch)

CH. SUNDOWN'S D'NAYDAEL GRHYBON. HM482543/08. 9-13-93 Breeders Furman Joye and Dorothy G Jacobson. By Ch Sundowns Rainmaker - Yarmouth's Hearts 'A Bustin Owner: D. D'nae Waters (Bitch)

CH. VALESKA BLACK-EYED SUSAN. HD833725. 2-12-90 Breeder: Owner: By Valeska Grand Slam - Natahni of Eaglecrag. Owner: Yvonne McGehee (Bitch)

CH. TAZEB'S ZENA. HM450696/01. 9-6-92 Breeder: Mrs E Whitehead By Sholwood Tigers Eye of Tazeb - Eng Ch Cranog Tsarella of Tazeb Owner: Barbara Binder (Bitch)

CH. ELLEN'S MAJENKIR AMAZIN GRACE. HM359257/03. 6-24-91 Breeder. Owner. By Majenkir Phoenix - Ellen's Czarina Alexandia. Owner: Ellen M. Hall (Bitch)

CH. KENAI'S SANTA ANA WINDS. HD849291. 5-6-89 Breeder. Owner. By Izod's Mannix - Ch. Savladai Gypsy Dreams. Owner: Michelle Luckey-Rowton (Bitch)

CH. KIFKA KREESTYA. HM417556/02. 3-20-92 Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Kifka Explorer - Kifka Elektra. Owners: Patricia M. and Kenneth T. Burton, Jr. (Bitch)

CH. MAJENKIR BASHA O'SQUIRREL HILL. HM412921/03. 5-26-92. Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona. By Ch. Birchwood Masquerade - Ch. Majenkir Tsidera. Owner. Kathleen B. Humphrey (Bitch)

CH. MORGANDELL VESHKA. HM415896/06. 4-15-92. Breeder: Owner. By Virshina Moon Over Los Prados - Mistysea Annabelle. Owner: Cyndi Dell (Bitch)

CH. NAYUPI'S SACRED STAR. HM307958/. 4-15-90. Breeder: Lynn Green. By Shaman of Nayupi - Nayupi's Pawnee Mystery Dance. Owner: Breeder and Julie Hagen (Bitch)

CH. ZEPHYR'S REACH LURED AWAY, JC. HM353698/07. 1-1-91. Breeders John and Christy Cowan. By Ch. Zephyr's Reach Ascending Sun - Zephyr's Reach Echoic Torrent. Owner: Liza Michicoff (Bitch)

Absent - AM. CAN. CH. SEABURY'S SANS SOUCI. HM381027/02. 10-28-91. Breeder. James D. Sillers. DVM By Ch. Ljudmila's Akim Krylataja Ljoebov - Skaska de Norois. Owners: Lucie Langlois and Daniel Morrison (Dog)

Absent - CH. KYROV'S CAZIMIR OF AVALON. HD9140&6. 12-31-89. Breeder: Amy Sorbie. By Ch. P.O.S.H. Echovesna's Islaev - Ch. Kyrov's Rising Star Natassja. Owner: Trudi Jensen (Dog)

Absent - CH. ELLEN'S FLIGHT OF THE FALCON. HD845221. 4-15-90. Breeder. Ellen Hall. By Ch. Ellen's Mr Big - V'Indra's Zsa Zsa Freude. Owners: Laura Rogers, Breeder and Roger Kibbee (Bitch)

Best Junior Showman / 1st Open Junior - Wyatt J. Delfino

1996 Best Junior Showman

Wildwood Travis Paszijec

HM443754/01. 11-14-92. Breeder: Dr. Kay A. Henderson
By Ch. Kostenov Aleksey of Wildwood, CD - Kostenov Jezabel of Wildwood, CD
Owners: Breeder and Wyatt and Nicholas Delfino

Novice Junior Showman Class - 1st - Alyssa Brandtman

1996 Novice Junior Showman Class - 1st

Kyrov's Storm Of Wolf Creek

HM540200/03. 8-19-94. Breeder: Sylvia Sieverding
By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Justyl's Dances With Wolves
Owners: Todd and Toby Brandtman

Novice Junior Showman Class - 2nd - Lisa Marie Brauner

Vera's Kame A Touch Of Lace

HM599698/05. 9-8-95. Breeder: Jean 'E. Brauner
By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya
Owners: Breeder and Lisa M. Brauner

Novice Senior Showman Class - 1st - Eva Urdiales

V'Indra's Irek

HM564854/01. 12-25-94. Breeder: Charlotte Wheeler.
By V'Indra Oovetky Obskaya -V'Indra Lady Saphire
Owner: Breeder and Eva Urdiales

Open Senior Showman Class - 1st - Angela Hagen

1996 Open Junior Showman Class - 4th

Ch. Nayupi's Crazy Coyote

HD706173. 7-15-88. Breeder: Lynn Green
By Nayupi's Dance of The Dakota - Nayupi's Dance of The Mahican
Owners: Breeder and Angela Hagen

Open Senior Showman Class - 2nd - Amber Scott

1996 Open Junior Showman Class - 2nd

Ch. Aruzia's Frequent Flyer

HM499945/01. 11-17-93. Breeder: Owners
By Ch. Sky Run's Along For The Ride - Phaedras Sri Lanka Pearl
Owners: John and Lorrie Scott

Open Senior Showman Class - 3rd - Lesley Clifford

1996 Open Junior Showman Class - 3rd

Bucksilver's Seize The Wind

HM398402/02. 2-13-92. Breeders: Ken and Virginia Graff
By Ch. Bucksilver's Troubadour - Bucksilver's Iron Lady
Owners: Mike and Robin Clifford

Open Senior Showman Class - 4th - Alicia Rose Thomas

Morozova Mister Broadway

HM511461/05. 3-26-94. Breeders: Janet Adams and Jerry Ball
By Ch. Morozova's Stillwater Massai - Ch. Selman Laishka Morozova, CDX
Owners: Alicia Thomas and Janet Adams


Absent - SARA M. SAUCERMAN. #800713001. CH. AURORAL'S TITANIUM AT SEABURY, JC. HD748483. 4-2-89. Breeder: Jon T. Steele. By Seabury's Silver Streak - Ch. Bokhara Wind Falcon. Owners: Carolyn Rennie and Margaret Saucerman

Absent - MEGHANN DORAIS LORD. #810208001. CH. OLIAS CHANDON, CGC. HM455335/01. 2-27-90. Breeder: Mrs. Joan Mabey. By Eng. Ch. Vronsky Zapata - Olias Ivory Queen. Owners: Barbara Tyler Lord and Frederick Lord, DVM

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Best in Triathlon

1996 Best in Triathlon

Ch. AmberWinds Fire In The Dark, JC

HM453962/01. 3-4-93. Breeders: Owner: and Sandra Holley
By Ch. Zephyr's Reach Magic Mirth - Ch. Shady Luck's Cascade Blues
Owner: Susan Mallonee (Dog)

Second in Triathlon

1996 Second in Triathlon

Ch. Wind 'N Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC, LCM, CGC'

HD763529. 8-20-89 Breeder: Owner
By Ch Knapovich Diavolo of Jem. CD - Ch Wind 'n Satin Celestal Kristull
Owner: M. Childs

Third in Triathlon

Pickle Hill Magicm'n Paladin, JC

HM491116112. 10-31-93. Breeder: Fern Lockrem
By Ch. Magic Moon's Shadow Dancer, CD - Pickle Hill's Arapaho Secret
Owner: Kathleen Hinds

Fourth in Triathlon

1996 Fourth in Triathlon

SVershin's Sergei

HM454857/05. 3-19-93. Breeder: Therese A. Beamer
By Phaedra's SValenti SVershin - Ch Pickfairs Strela SVershin
Owner: Brenda Wendt

1996 Triathlon Scores
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Highest Scoring Borzoi in Regular Obedience Classes / 1st Novice Class B (191)

1996 High in Obedience Trial

Shefaro Borllies' Allegra

HMS18775/05. 5-10-94. Breeders: Timothy Allen and Sherry Faye Rodarmor
By Ch. Shefaro Reyna Emperador FNX - Ch. Shefaro Rreyna's Raisa
Owner. Holly Bourne

Highest Scoring Borzoi in Open and Utility Combined / 1st Utility Class A (190.5)

1996 Highest Scoring Borzoi in Open and Utility Combined

Sweetbriar's Sterling Gazelle, CDX

HM337299/09. 12-2-89. Breeders: M. Hoag, L. Goldsmith and J. Umeck
By Do Svidaniya Varpolusa - Cinondra's Sterling Errow
Owner: Christa Cordtz

Obedience Open Class 'B' - 1st (185)

1996 Obedience Open Class 'B' - 1st

Sweetbriar's Sterling Gazelle, CDX

HM337299/09. 12-2-89. Breeders: M. Hoag, L. Goldsmith and J. Umeck
By Do Svidaniya Varpolusa - Cinondra's Sterling Errow
Owner: Christa Cordtz

Obedience Open Class 'B' - OTHER ENTRIES

167 - CH. RANCHO GABRIEL MAGIC VIXEN, CDX, JC. HD905169. 10-31-90. Breeders: Phydelma and Lyle Gillette. By Ch. Zcerlov's Just A Buck - Rancho Gabriel Magic. Owner: Christa Cordtz

Absent - CH. RANCHO GABRIEL MAGIC RAVEN, CD, JC. HM322728/01. 10-31-90. Breeders: Lyle and Phydelma Gillette. By Ch. Zcerlov's Just A Buck - Rancho Gabriel Magic. Owners: Lane and Linda Harbertson

Obedience Open Class 'A' - OTHER ENTRIES

120½ - Morozova Aries, CD, JC. HM457372/03. 4-2-93. Breeders: Janet Adams and Jerry Ball. By Ch. Twin Elm's Batyi - Ch. Selman's Leishka Morozova, CDX. Owners: K.E. and G.A. Novotny

121 - Ch. Morozova's Scimitar, CD, JC. 6-4-89. Breeders: Jerry Ball Moore and Richard Ball. By Ch. Selman's Rastafarian - Ch. Garalee's A Valentine. Owner: Janet Y. Adams

Obedience Novice Class 'B' - 1st (191)

1996 Obedience Novice Class 'B' - 1st

Shefaro Borllies' Allegra

HMS18775/05. 5-10-94. Breeders: Timothy Allen and Sherry Faye Rodarmor
By Ch. Shefaro Reyna Emperador FNX - Ch. Shefaro Rreyna's Raisa
Owner. Holly Bourne

Obedience Novice Class 'B' - 2nd (190½)

1996 Obedience Novice Class 'B' - 2nd

Ch. AmberWinds Fire In The Dark, JC

HM453962/01. 3-4-93. Breeders: Owner: and Sandra Holley
By Ch. Zephyr's Reach Magic Mirth - Ch. Shady Luck's Cascade Blues
Owner: Susan Mallonee (Dog)

Obedience Novice Class 'B' - 3rd (186)

Pickle Hill Magicm'n Paladin, JC

HM491116112. 10-31-93. Breeder: Fern Lockrem
By Ch. Magic Moon's Shadow Dancer, CD - Pickle Hill's Arapaho Secret
Owner: Kathleen Hinds

Obedience Novice Class 'B' - 4th (179)

1996 Obedience Novice Class 'B' - 4th

SVershin's Sergei

HM454857/05. 3-19-93. Breeder: Therese A. Beamer
By Phaedra's SValenti SVershin - Ch Pickfairs Strela SVershin
Owner: Brenda Wendt

Obedience Novice Class 'B' - OTHER ENTRIES

112 - Morozova's Stellar Wind, SC. HM457372/01. 4-2-93. Breeders: Janet Y Adams and Jerry Ball Moore. By Ch. Twin Elms Batyi - Ch. Selman's Leishka Morozova, CDX. Owners: Breeders and Hal Cousins

103 - Wind 'n Satin Legendmaster. HM442253/06. 12-25-92. Breeders: Owner: and Mary Childs. By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Birchwood Silver Legend. Owner: Lynn Wall

143 - FC Chromium's Lead of Ryhka, SC, LCM III, CGC, ORC. HM442268/03. 11-7-92. Breeders: Diana Darling and Paul E. Anuta. By Beata's Hexane of Ryhka - FC Kolinar's Chromium of Ryhka, SC. Owner: Leilani E. Hughes

141 - Kalyakirya Howff Ramblin Man, JC. HM498932/03. 11-10-93. Breeders: L. Littleton and J. Godsey. By DC Tour de France of the Wild Hunt, CD, SC - Ch. Kalakirya Howff Orlitza. Owners: Linda Harbertson and Breeders

121 - Pickle Hill's Probable Cause. HM559114/04. 10-24-94. Breeder: Fern Lockrem. By Silkenswift Ely of Pickle Hill - Pickle Hill's Decoto. Owner: Diana E. Cunningham

143 - PORTSPSOVAIA'S BORZOODLE, JC. HM550982/04. 11-6-94. Breeder: John Von Schlegel. By Obskaya's Kenya Portspsovaia -Obskaya's India Portspsovaia, JC. Owner. Susan Lundebjerg (Also in Conformation)

150 - DELILAH OF WILDWOOD. HM398636/02. 3-9-92. Breeder: Dr. Kay A. Henderson. By Kostenov El Gallo - Kostenov Jezebel of Wildwood, CD. Owners: Breeder and Wyatt Delfino

139 - CH. WILDWOOD CYRANO DE KOSTENOV, JC. HM389649/0S. 11-5-91. Breeder: Louenna K. Avery. By Kostenov Mister Berlin - Kostenov Lily Garland. Owners: Dr. Kay Henderson and Nicholas Delfino

125 - SKY RUN CORDOVA STARFIRE. HM432023/01. 7-28-92. Breeder: Barbara Skinner. By Ch. Sky Run Tellstar - Mishkova Crystal Ice. Owner: Margaret J. Jemison

Absent - CHATAQUA'S TEXAS TUMBLEWEED OF KYROV. HM476688/ 03. 5-17-93. Breeders: Sara Whittington, Greg Davis, Roger Owens and Amy Sorbie. By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch. Chataqua Shadowsong of Rivendel. Owners: Susan Van de Water, Sara Whittington, Wayne Rowe and Amy Sorbie

Absent - WIND 'N SATIN DANGEROUS LADY. HM422S621/02. 8-15-92. Breeders: Mary Childs, Denise A. and Barry J. Edelman, MD. By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Ch. SarShanSa Swan Lake, JC. Owners: Marcelo and Claudia Echavez and Mary Childs

Obedience Novice Class 'A' - OTHER ENTRIES

90 - Wind 'N Satin Sun Dancer. HM413379/03. 6-25-92. Breeder: Mary Childs. By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Maximum Wyld Child - Ch. Wind 'n Satin Celestial Kristull. Owner: Gwen Little

113 - Jags Wolf of Paradise Valley. HM521572/07. 5-5-94. Breeders: Julie Hagen and Sandra Holley. By Shady Luck's Fire N Smoke - Shady Luck's Indigo Jeans. Owners: Todd and Toby Brandtman

94½ - Kenai Kiss the Girl. HM563430/02. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey-Rowton and Mary Childs. By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Am. Can. Ch. Kenai's Santa Ana Winds. Owners: Robin and Lesley Clifford

135 - Kenai's Oo-De-Lally. HM563430/01. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey Rowton and Mary Childs. By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Am. Can. Ch. Kenai's Santa Ana Winds. Owners: Robin and Lesley Clifford

154 - Del Sol Albireo. HM529142/04. 7-25-94. Breeder: Susan Van de Water. By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Raider of Kyrov - Rabrega Protege. Owner: Teleni Ballard and Breeder

123 - KD's Miss Chatelaine. HM444614/03. 12-4-92. Breeders: Jonnie and George Squyres. By Bizzi B Remus De Lobo - Czarcrest Nadya. Owner: Linda D. Spivak

153 - Aragorn's Ivan Boskey. HM423683/05. 5-12-92. Breeders: Cheryl Gower and Nancy L. Smith. By Aragorn's Buran - Aragorn's Raisa of Lorien. Owners: Sally E. Barron and Cheryl Gower

154 - Ch. Virshina Fireside Glow. HM492417/01. 9-14-93. Breeders: Albert and Jeanne Abramson. By Ch. Elista's Magic Dragon V Taugo - Volante Kirova Topaz. Owners: Shirley Zindler and Chris Bradley

Absent - Ch. Kyrov's Cazimir of Avalon. HD914055. 12-31-89. Breeder: Amy Sorbie. By Ch. P.O.S.H. Echovesna's Islaev - Ch. Kyrov's Rising Star Natassja. Owner: Trudi Jensen

Absent - V'Indra's Oorania Obskaya. HM444312/03. 11-3-92. Breeder: Eric Kurz. By Obskaya's Farwo - V'Indra's Midnight. Owners: Charlotte Wheeler and Breeder

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Best in Puppy Sweepstakes / 1st 9-12 Months Dog

1996 Best in Puppy Sweepstakes

Kyrov's Virtuosity Chataqua

HM593868/01. 6-22-95. Breeder: Owners
By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Phoenix of Kyrov - Rising Stars Ivana
Owner: Amy L. Sorbie, Sara Whittington and Wayne Rowe

Best of Opposite Sex To Best In Puppy Sweepstakes / 1st 15-18 Months Bitch

1996 Best of Opposite Sex To Best In Puppy Sweepstakes

Majenkir Tsunshine At Bookstor

HM553256/02. 12-11-94. Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona
By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Ch Majenkir Tzidera
Owners: Dr. Howard and Karen Spey

Puppy Sweepstakes - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

Best In Puppy Sweepstakes went to Kyrov's Virtuosity Chataqua. This young man was exceptional. The more be moved, the better he got. He has that certain something that all of us breeders hope for-soundness, elegance, and attitude.

Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Puppy Sweepstakes went to Majenkir Tsunshine at Bookstor. Another exceptional youngster, this bitch out-moved the other girls with a presence and attitude that made it hard to decide on the best puppy. This girl was one that any owner and breeder would be proud of.

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

Wind 'N Satin Mystic Colors'

HM591543/02. 9-5-95. Breeder: Owner
L. Hydia and T. Jensen. By Cazimir Tvarisch - Wind 'n Satin Black Suede
Owner: Mary Childs

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 2nd

Vera's Kame The Silver Legacy

HM599698/06. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner
By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya
Owner: Jean E. Brauner

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 3rd

Vera's Kame A Flying Tiger

HM599698/05. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner
By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya
Owner: Jean E. Brauner

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 4th

Timber Ridge's Jonathan

HM597802/02. 9-26-95. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah
Owner: Patricia Hillyard

Puppy Sweepstakes Dogs, 6 months and under 9 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

l - Wind 'N Satin Mystic Colors, owner Mary Childs. This youngster was lovely. He had a wonderful expression and his sidegait was strong with lovely upper arm extension. What won the class for him was his strong and clean down and back.

2 - Vera's Kame The Silver Legacy, owner Jean Brauner. This striking male has such a reaching sidegait that he was easily in the ribbons.

3 - Vera's Kame a Flying Tiger, owner Jean Brauner. This male looked so much like the 2nd place male that it was hard to choose between them. The second place dog seemed to move a bit more smoothly.

4 - Timber Ridge's Jonathan, owner Patricia Hillyard. This young male also moved wonderfully from the side. He shows a lot of promise.

Puppy Sweepstakes Dogs, 6 months and under 9 - OTHER ENTRIES

VERA'S KAME TO RUE THE DAY. Owner: Jean E. Brauner

AMBERWINDS FIRESONG OF RAMADI. Owners: Susan Mallonee and Karen Gowan

TRUHAVENS MIDAS RUN. Owners: Cindy Tellefsen, Bev Peck and Jim and Dottie Trulock

PICKLE HILL'S RIO OF SNOWDON. Owners: Fern Lockrem and Jane Christy and John Cowan

KYROV'S DESERT MOON OF CHATAQUA. Owners: Frances Louise Martin and Amy Sorbie



Absent - OBSKAYA'S SOLO OF ONISH RUN. Owner: Sheana Rombauer

Absent - NONSUCH PAINTED RED. Owners: Carole and Gerald Edison and Breeders

Absent - RAMADI'S SOLO MIO. Owner: Mortishia Fairchild

Absent - RAMADI'S A SONG IN MY HEART. Owners: Ray and Karen Gowan and Kimberly Mitchell

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 1st / Best in Sweepstakes

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

Kyrov's Virtuosity Chataqua

HM593868/01. 6-22-95. Breeder: Owners
By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Phoenix of Kyrov - Rising Stars Ivana
Owner: Amy L. Sorbie, Sara Whittington and Wayne Rowe

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 2nd

Agridor Viewga Raphael

HM579930/06. 7-1-95. Breeder: James Heard
By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco at Agridor - Agridor Majenkir Masquerade
Owner: Colette M. Smith

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 3rd

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 3rd

Kajai's Zest

HM587143/10. 6-13-95. Breeders: Kathryn and James Wright
By Ch. Kajai's Classic - Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha
Owners: Dr. Marvin and Marsha Frace

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 4th

Attaway Shooting Star Creset

HM576803/05. 5-6-95. Breeders: Owner
By Insight's Ivadon Cresset, JC - Ch. Insight's Elbereth Githoniel
Owners: Melissa Pearce and Susan Blanchard

Puppy Sweepstakes Dogs, 9 months and under 12 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Kyrov's Virtuosity Chataqua, owner Amy Sorbie, Sara Whittington and Wayne Rowe. This puppy won over a lot of very nice puppies. He had a lovely head and body. He moved exceptionally well from the side and down and back. He carried himself with presence and a happiness that were hard to miss.

2 - Agridor Viewga Raphael, owner Colette Smith. This puppy was also very nice. He did every-thing right too but didn't move quite as consistently as the puppy that beat him.

3 - Kajai's Zest, owner Dr. Marvin and Marsha Frace. A lovely puppy, this male was just not quite as together as the ones who beat him but he had a look to him that was hard to miss.

4 - Attaway Shooting Star Creset, owner Melissa Pearce and Susan Blanchard. This young man was also very nice. He had lovely movement.

Puppy Sweepstakes Dogs, 9 months and under 12 - OTHER ENTRIES


ASTARA'S RACING WITH THE WIND. Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

V'INDRA'S BRINELLOV. Owner: Garnett Thompson and Leah and Laura Katz

Absent - POSITIVELY CHILLING .. NOVEL. Owners: Star and Rex Allen

Absent - V'INDRA'S BRIEROV. Owners: Steve Hyland, Kristin Brolin and Tracy Olson

Absent - ASTARA'S STEEL AND GLASS. Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 12 months and under 15 - 1st

1996 Dog, 12 months and under 18 - 3rd

Aruzia Seattle Blew

HM557430/01. 1-11-95. Breeders: Owners
By Am. Can. Ch. Reggae's Tahoe Barbera Drew, SC, FCh. - Ch. Sky Run's Carmel Me Blue, JC
Owners: John and Lorrie Scott

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 12 months and under 15 - 2nd

Kenai's Wish Upon A Star

HM563430/04. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey and Mary Childs
By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Ch. Kenai's Santa Ana Winds

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 12 months and under 15 - 3rd

Klasyx Chulista Irish Lullaby

HM570894/05. 3-31-95. Breeders: Owners
By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Master of the Hunt. CD, JC. CGC- Ch. Chulista American Beauty
Owners: A. Stout and L. Cooper

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 12 months and under 15 - 4th

1996 Best of Winners

Kenai's In The Circle Of Life

HM563430/09. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey-Rowton and Mary Childs
By Ch. Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy, CD, SC - Ch. Kenai Santa Ana Winds
Owners: John and Michelle Luckey-Rowton

Puppy Sweepstakes Dogs, 12 months and under 15 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Aruzia Seattle Blew, owner John and Lorrie Scott. This youngster was another really nice mover who was remarkably together for his age. He had good sidegait and a clean down and back. He had that presence that you usually see in adults.

2 - Kenai's Wish Upon A Star, owner Jackie Browning. A very nice promising puppy who moved well and who gave my first place a run for his money.

3 - Klasyx Chulista Irish Lullaby, owner A Stout and L. Cooper. Once again a nice male with good reach. He had a lovely body.

4 - Kenai's In The Circle of Life, owner John and Michelle Luckey-Rowton. This was another wonderful youngster. He had everything the others had but he wasn't moving quite as smoothly as the others.

Puppy Sweepstakes Dogs, 12 months and under 15 - OTHER ENTRIES

SHEFARO O'BOBTOR'S CABALLO. Owners: Sherry Faye Rodarmor-Appell and Bob Torquato


AUBURN'S RAINIER. Owner: William Hemby



THE JAZZMAN OF WILDWOOD. Owner: Wendy Merendini

AUBURN SHASTA OF MORGANDELL. Owners: Gary and Le Ann Black

WILDWOOD MAVERICK. Owners: Dr. Kay Henderson and Wyatt Delfino

ARUZIA GALLANT FOX. Owner: Leslie Henderson

Absent - MAJENKIR SURREAL II. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Absent - MAJENKIR IRONSTONE. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 15 months and under 18 - 1st

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 15 months and under 18 - 1st

V'Indra's Irek

HM564854/01. 12-25-94. Breeder: Charlotte Wheeler.
By V'Indra Oovetky Obskaya -V'Indra Lady Saphire
Owner: Breeder and Eva Urdiales

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 15 months and under 18 - 2nd

Virshina Renaissance Diamond

HM550383/04. 11-94. Breeders: Chris Bradley and Chris Swilley
By Virshina Renaissance Korbel - Ch. Virshina Medley, JC
Owners: Todd and Toby Brandtman

Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 15 months and under 18 - 3rd

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Dog, 15 months and under 18 - 3rd

Truhavens Oberon Of Boneen

HM554751/05. i -16-94. Breeders: Maurine Cooley and Owners
By Sundance Blaise of Iyengar - Ch. Truhavens Steel Magnolia
Owners: Dottie and Jim Trulock

Puppy Sweepstakes Dogs, 15 months and under 18 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - V'Indra's Irek, owner Charlotte Wheeler and Eva Urdiales. This entry was an elegant and very striking adolescent. His head and expression were classic and he was more together than the others.

2 - Virshina Renaissance Diamond, owner Todd and Toby Brandtman. Another nice male who was typical of the age. He had a bit more leg than he was used to.

3 - Truhavens Oberon of Boneen, owner Dottie and Jim Trulock. Another leggy young male who will be interesting to see when he's older.

Puppy Sweepstakes Dogs, 15 months and under 18 - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - MYSTIC WHEN THE NIGHT COMES. Owner: Cliff Thrasher

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

Timber Ridge's Zipporah

HM597802/01. 9-26-95. Breeder: Owner
By Ch Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah
Owner: Patricia Hillyard

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 2nd

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 2nd

Sylvan Chalcedony

HM588331/02. 7-28-95. Breeders: Owners, Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith
By Ch Tamarzi Lord Oliver Grfalcon - Ch Sylvan Evangeline, SC
Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 3rd

Timber Ridge's Abi Of Kenai

HM597802/03. 9-26-95. Breeder: Patricia Hillyard
By Ch. Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah
Owners: Michelle and John Rowton and Breeder

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 4th

Kostenov's Arianna Of Wildwood

HM598576/07. 8-25-95. Breeder Louenna Avery
By Can. Ch. Kostenov Elyot Chase - Can. Ch. Amanda Prynne Owner
Wendy Merendini

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitches, 6 months and under 9 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

l. - Timber Ridge's Zipporah, owner Patricia Hillyard. This young lady was delightful. She showed so much promise. She had a lovely head and body and moved well with good reach and clean down and backs. She showed as if she'd been doing it forever. She was a true "Here I Am" girl.

2 - Sylvan Chalcedony, owner Christopher and Patti Neale. This girl gave my winner a run for her money. She too showed a lot of promise. Her movement was good and she was very together for one so young.

3 - Timber Ridge's Abi of Kenai, owner Michelle and John Rowton and Patricia Hillyard. This youngster was another nice puppy. She had a lovely head and expression but she wasn't moving quite as smoothly as the other two.

4 - Kostenov's Arianna of Wildwood, owner Wendy Merendini. She too was such a nice puppy. She had lovely sidegait and a very nicely balanced body.

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitches, 6 months and under 9 - OTHER ENTRIES

VERA'S KAME MY ANGEL 0' THE' MORNING. Owners: Breeder and Cecilia Barnett


VERA'S KAME A TOUCH OF LACE. Owners: Breeder and Lisa M. Brauner


PICKLE HILL'S FARAH OF SNOWDON . Owners: Fern Lockrem and Jane Christy and John Cowan

RAMADI SONG WITHOUT END. Owners: Ray and Karen Gowan

RAMADI A BRAND NEW SONG. Owners: Ray and Karen Gowan

Absent - NONSUCH RED RIDING HOOD. Owners: Carole and Gerald Edison and Breeders

Absent - TRUHAVENS ISLE OF BLUE SKIES. Owner. Phyllis Potter

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

Astara's Blessed

HM612254103. 6-29-95. Breeders: Owners
By Astara's Beyond The Blue Neon - Ch. Astara's Originally Yours FCh.
Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 2nd

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 2nd

Kajai's Winter Bouquet

HM587143/07. 6-13-95. Breeders: Kathryn and James F. Wright
By Ch. Kajai's Classic - Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha
Owner: Maren Travers

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 3rd

Morozova's Keeper Of The Heart

HM580084/02. 4-7-95. Breeders: Owners
By Morozova's Gypsy Rogue - Morozova's Have A Heart
Owners: Holly Evans and Jerry Moore

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 4th

Ellen's Majenkir Dot-To-Dot

HM586901/08. 5-2-95. Breeders: Owner and Linda Frost-Greco
By Majenkir Phoenix - Ellen's Miss Know-It-All
Owners: Ellen M. Hall

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitches, 9 months and under 12 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Astara's Blessed, owner Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman. This puppy was a lovely girl with a pretty face to match her movement. Her down and back were clean and she had a nice sidegait with a nice upper arm.

2 - Kajai's Winter Bouquet, owner Maren Travers. This young lady was balanced and nice moving with a good profile.

3 - Morozova's Keeper of the Heart, owner Holly Evans and Jerry Moore. Another lovely young lady. She was pushing those in front.

4 - Ellen's Majenkir Dot-to-Dot owner John and Monique Craig and Ellen M. Hall. This girl was also very balanced with a nice sidegait.

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitches, 9 months and under 12 - OTHER ENTRIES


ATTAWAY DUSTY MAIDEN OF KINOBI. Owner: Rebecca Peters-Campbell

YETTA NOTHER REX. Owner: Linda D. Spivak

Absent - KYROV'S TRULY SCRUMPTIOUS CHATAQUA. Owners: Amy L. Sorbie, Sara Whittington and Wayne Rowe

Absent - ELLEN'S MAJENKIR BOGINJA. Owners: John and Monique Craig and Ellen M. Hall

Absent - KYROV'S SAVIOR FAIR CHATAQUA. Owners: Zo S. Hawkins and Amy Sorbie

Absent - A CLASSIC NOVEL. Owners: Star and Rex Allen

Absent - ASTARA'S VERY TRULY YOURS. Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 12 months and under 15 - 1st

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 12 months and under 15 - 1st

Aspenglo Gabrielle Royale

HM558460/09. 1-9-95. Breeders: E. L. Ward and Karen J. Humm
By Ch. Igor De Nikolaiev - Ch. Kyrov's Aspenglo Demasque, CD
Owner: Susan Marcyan

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 12 months and under 15 - 2nd

Kenai's Once Upon A Dream

HM563430/03. 2-16-95. Breeders: Michelle Luckey-Rowton and Mary Childs
By Ch Wind 'n Satin Black Legacy CD. SC - Am Can Ch Kenai's Santa Ana Winds
Owners: John and Michelle Luckey-Rowton

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 12 months and under 15 - 3rd

Auburn Aunika Rose Royale

HM572167/0. 4-3-95. Breeders: Bill Hemby and Cynthia Dell
By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell
Owner. Susan Marcyan

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 12 months and under 15 - 4th

Lara's Secret Garden Guardian Angel

HM597893/01. 2-17-95 Breeder: Mary Moran
By Ch. Secret Garden Song of Songs - Chowhaven Hanna
Owners: Joseph Lara and Mary Moran

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitches, 12 months and under 15 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Aspenglo Gabrielle Royale, owner Susan Marcyan. This lovely lady out-moved her competition. She was feminine, with a nice expression and a clean down and back and nice reach.

2 - Kenai's Once Upon a Dream, owner John and Michelle Luckey-Rowton. This youngster was also nice moving with a clean down and back and nice sidegait.

3 - Auburn Aunika Rose Royale, owner Susan Marcyan. This bitch also moved well but the other two girls out moved her at the last.

4 - Lara's Secret Garden Guardian Angel, owner Joseph Lara and Mary Moran. This girl had a lovely profile and nice movement. She was pushing the others.

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitches, 12 months and under 15 - OTHER ENTRIES

RUSALKA DAYSPRING BREEZE. Owner: Jennifer Beach-Buda

WILDWOOD'S POETRY IN MOTION. Owners: Susan McCarthy Kroeger and Breeder

KENAI KISS THE GIRL. Owners: Robin and Lesley Clifford

KENAI THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE. Owners: Joanne Browning and Michelle Luckey-Rowton


KENAI'S OO-DE-LALLY. Owners: Robin and Lesley Clifford

WILDWOOD VENDELA. Owners: Dr. Kay Henderson and Wyatt Delfino

Absent - WINFIELD SHAMELESS NOVEL. Owners: Star and Rex Allen and Breeder

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 1st / Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 1st

Majenkir Tsunshine At Bookstor

HM553256/02. 12-11-94. Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona
By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Ch Majenkir Tzidera
Owners: Dr. Howard and Karen Spey

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 2nd

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 2nd

Majenkir Tzelena

HM553256/01. 12-11-94. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor- Ch. Majenkir Tzidera
Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 3rd

Kyrov-Katushka Iolanthe

HM652925/09. 11-4-94. Breeders: Joyce E. Law and Amy Sorbie
By Ch. Katushka's Maestro Moussorgsky - Kyrov's Catarina Vertov
Owners: Susan Van de Water and Amy Sorbie

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 4th

1996 Puppy Sweepstakes Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 4th

Kirova's Infinity

HMS65923/02. 12-22-94 Breeder: Owner
By Ch Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch Kirova's Legacy of Justyl
Owner: Sue Armstrong

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitches, 15 months and under 18 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

l. - Majenkir Tsunshine at Bookstor, owner Dr. Howard and Karen Spey. This young lady had it all. She was elegant, sound-moving and had a wonderful profile. She out-moved the rest of the class.

2 - Majenkir Tzelena, owner Karen Staudt-Cartabona. This bitch pushed the winner all the way. She moved well on the down and back and had a good sidegait. Her expression was lovely.

3 - Kyrov-Katushka Iolanthe, owner Susan Van de Water. This young lady was quite an eye-catcher. She had a lovely head and very nice movement. At the last, she let up just a bit.

4. - Kirova's Infinity, owner Sue Armstrong. What a nice girl this was. She was pretty, sound and gave the others a run for their money.

Puppy Sweepstakes Bitches, 15 months and under 18 - OTHER ENTRIES

Katushka's Theda Bara. Owner: Joyce E. Law

Pickle Hill's Probable Cause. Owner: Diana E. Cunningham

Katushka's Clara Bow of Lochsley. Owners: Maribeth Bennett and Joyce Law

Wynsellier's Eternal Flame. Owners: Betty and Barry Sullivan and Breeder

Virshina Renaissance Topaz. Owner: Chris Swilley

Mystic One Night of Sin. Owner: Laura Van Diest

Pickle Hill's Hahinana. Owner: Fern Lockrem

Absent - Katushka's Zazu Pitts. Owners: Joyce E Law and Eric Erickson

Absent - Portspsovaia's Borzoodle, JC. Owner: Susan Lundebjerg

Best in Veteran Sweepstakes / 1st 9-10 Years Bitch

1996 Best in Veteran Sweepstakes

Ch. Zcerlov's Reveille

HD532309. 2-5-87. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Majenkir Jantar Trumpeter - Ch. Zcerlov's Evita
Owner: Barbara H. Todd

Best of Opposite Sex To Best In Veteran Sweepstakes / 1st 7-8 Years Dog

1996 Best of Opposite Sex To Best In Veteran Sweepstakes

Ch. Windkist Somerset Chance

HD756395. 5-17-88 Breeder E. Green
By Ch Somerset Tatinger Rising Star - Ch Jocanda of Rising Star
Owner: Jacqueline Gregory

Veteran Sweepstakes Dog, 7 years and under 8 - 1st

1996 Veteran Sweepstakes Dog, 7 years and under 8 - 1st

Ch. Windkist Somerset Chance

HD756395. 5-17-88 Breeder E. Green
By Ch Somerset Tatinger Rising Star - Ch Jocanda of Rising Star
Owner: Jacqueline Gregory

Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 7 years and under 8 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Ch. Windkist Somerset Chance, owner Jacqueline Gregory. This veteran was one of the younger group. He was elegant and had a wonderful head. He was in excellent condition and coat and had lovely reach and drive. He was well balanced and had a wonderful stack.

Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 7 years and under 8 - OTHER ENTRIES

SOMERSET TENGIS TANGLE WOOD. Owners: Lone Nielsen and Kellie Lewis

CH BUCKSILVER'S TROUBADOUR. Owners: Kenneth E. and Virginia P. Graff

Absent - CH. AURORAL'S TITANIUM AT SEABURY, JC. Owners: Carolyn Rennie and Margaret Saucerman

Veteran Sweepstakes CRITIQUE by Katie Averill:

Best In Veteran Sweepstakes - Ch Zcerlov's Reveille, owner Barbara Todd. This veteran is proof of the old saying "I'm not getting older, I'm just getting better!" It was extremely hard to pick a "best" in a group of veterans the quality of my winners. This bitch said "pick me", so I did.

Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes - Ch Windkist Somerset Chance, owner Jacqueline Gregory. This elegant male was so eye-catching and sound that he couldn't be denied.

Veteran Sweepstakes Dog, 8 years and under 9 - 1st

1996 Veteran Sweepstakes Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

Ch. Shady Luck's One N Only Rajai

HD517272. Breede:. Owner
By Ch Shady Luck's l'm Sensational - Ch Shady Luck's Dancy Fantasy
Owner: Sandra Holley

Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 8 years and under 9 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Ch Shady Luck's One N Only Rajai, owner Sandra Holley. This male had lovely sidegait and clean down and back. He had a certain look to him that I found hard to overlook. He was still very sound for his age

Veteran Sweepstakes Dog, 9 years and under 10 - 1st

1996 Veteran Sweepstakes Dog, 9 years and under 10 - 1st

Int. Am. Ch. Bucksilver Dreamcloud Dancer, CGC

HD549027. 3-8-87 Breeder Virginia P and Kenneth E Graff
By Ch Majenkir Jantar Trumpeter - Ch Bucksilvers Gypsy Wind. CD
Owners: Toni A. Paskey and Virginia P. Graff

Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 9 years and under 10 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Int Am Ch Bucksilver Dreamcloud Dancer CGC, owner Toni Paskey and Virginia Graff. This senior showed well and was so sound and had such a classic look that he was impossible to deny.

Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 9 years and under 10 - OTHER ENTRIES


CH. KOLYA OF RISING STAR, CD, F .CH. Owners: Frank and Janet Browne

CH. ASTARA'S LAST GOODBYE. Owner: Carvey Graves


Veteran Sweepstakes Dog, 10 years and over - 1st

1996 Veteran Sweepstakes Dog, 10 years and over - 1st

Pickle Hill's Candyman

HD276227. 11-7-84. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Pickle Hill's Ghillie Dhu - Rancho Gabriel Camby
Owner. Fern Lockrem

Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 10 years and over - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Pickle Hill's Candyman, owner Fern Lockrem. I knew that this was a true senior but I never would have guessed his age. In spite of some stiffness, he moved extremely well.

Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 10 years and over - OTHER ENTRIES

ARAGORN'S HIS MASTERS VOICE. Owners: Cheryl A. and Charles L. Gower

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 7 years and under 8 - 1st

1996 Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 7 years and under 8 - 1st

Ch. Nayupi's Crazy Coyote

HD706173. 7-15-88. Breeder. Lynn Green
By Nayupi's Dance of The Dakota - Nayupi's Dance of The Mahican
Owners: Breeder and Angela Hagen

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitches, 7 years and under 8 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Ch Nayupi's Crazy Coyote, owner Lynn Greene and Angela Hagen. What a lovely bitch. She was so sound and her sidegait helped her move to the front. She had a lovely look.

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitches, 7 years and under 8 - OTHER ENTRIES

CH. ZEPHYR'S REACH ASCENDING STAR. Owners: R. and A. Cherrie and Breeders

SOMERSET SERA FAYNA. Owners: Kellie Lewis and Lone Nielsen



SUNHAWK'S NATALIA RAMADI. Owners: John and Joy Skalbeck

CH. TWIN ELM'S RAEZA. Owners: Suzan and David Breaz and Breeder

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 8 years and under 9 - 1st

1996 Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

Ch. Astara's Originally Yours, FCh.

HM181320/02. 12-3-87. Breeders: Carvey Graves and Pam Polk
By Ch. Astara's Last Goodbye - Astara's Imagine My Surprise
Owners: Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 8 years and under 9 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Ch Astara's Originally Yours, FCh, owner Carvey Graves and Sue Hickman. This girl was a good mover and looked young enough to be in the open class.

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 8 years and under 9 - OTHER ENTRIES


Absent - CH. KARITONOVA BLANC DE NOIRS. Owners: Kimberley A. Horn and Breeder

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 years and under 10 - 1st / Best in Veteran Sweepstakes

1996 Best in Veteran Sweepstakes

Ch. Zcerlov'sReveille

HD532309. 2-5-87. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Majenkir Jantar Trumpeter - Ch. Zcerlov's Evita
Owner: Barbara H. Todd

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 years and under 10 - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Ch Zcerlov's Reveille, owner Barbara Todd. This bitch won in a very tough class. Her movement, balance and profile helped her win.

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 9 years and under 10 - OTHER ENTRIES

SOMERSET WHITNEY, CDX. Owner: Margaret J. Jemison



Absent - SONTSE BALLYN. Owners: C.H. Rennie and C.L. Terry

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 10 years and over - 1st

1996 Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 10 years and over - 1st

Ch. Shefaro Primavera Tessa

HD418498. 6-19-85. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Keshari Caballero of Shefaro, CD - Ch. Cherta von Smetanka, CD, FCh.
Owner: Sherry Faye Rodarmor-Appell

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 10 years and over - CRITIQUE by Katie Averill

1 - Ch Shefaro Primavera Tessa, owner Sherry Faye Rodamor-Appell. Someone needed to tell this bitch that she was getting older. She didn't look or act her senior citizen status. What a delight to see her energy and her lovely movement.

Veteran Sweepstakes Bitch, 10 years and over - OTHER ENTRIES

CH. PICKLE HILLS WINDSONG. Owner: Susan Mallonee



(Back to top)

Best in Futurity / 1st 15 months and under 18 months Bitch

1996 Best in Futurity

Majenkir Tzelena

HM553256/01. 12-11-94. Breeder. Owner
By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Ch. Majenkir Tzidera
Owner. Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Best of Opposite Sex To Best In Futurity / 1st 12 months and under 15 months Dog

1996 Best of Opposite Sex To Best In Futurity

Aruzia Seattle Blew

HM557430/01. 1-11-95. Breeders: Owners
By Ch. Reggae's Tahoe Barbera Drew, SC - Ch. Sky Run's Carmel Me Blue, JC
Owners: Lorrie and John Scott

Futurity Junior Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

Vera's Kame The Silver Legacy

HM599698/06. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner
By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya
Owner: Jean E. Brauner

Futurity Junior Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 2nd

Vera's Kame To Rue The Day

HM599698/04. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner
By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya
Owner. Jean E. Brauner

Futurity Junior Dog, 6 months and under 9 - 3rd

Vera's Kame A Flying Tiger

HM599698/05. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner
By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya
Owner: Jean E. Brauner

Futurity Junior Dogs, 6 months and under 9 - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - MONARCH CHIEFTAIN. HM588331/. 7-26-95. Breeders: Owners: and Chris Patti Neale. By Ch. Tamarzi Lord Oliver Grfalcon - Ch. Sylvan Evangeline, SC. Owners: Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith

Absent - SYLVAN CHECKMATE. HM588331/03. 7-26-95. Breeders: Owners. Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith. By Ch. Tamarzi Lord Oliver Grfalcon -Ch. Sylvan Evangeline. SC. Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale

Absent - SYLVAN CHIAROSCURO. HM588331/01. 7-26-95. Breeders: Owners. Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith. By Ch. Tamarzi Lord Oliver Grfalcon -Ch. Sylvan Evangeline, SC. Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale

Absent - SYLVAN SKY RUN SARATOGA. HM598835/01. 7-19-95. Breeders: Owners: and Barbara Skinner. By Ch. Sky Run Winter Nova - Ch. Qamyo Sylvan Scarlettan, SC. Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale

Absent - FUSILIER'S CARPE DIEM. HM599202/07. 8-10-95. Breeder: Chere C. Fuessel. By Ch. Romance Romanz D'Roc of Coburn - Fusilier-Korsakov Bolka. Owner: Katherine McKendree

Absent - TIMBER RIDGE'S JONATHAN. HM597802/02. 9-26-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah. Owner: Patricia Hillyard

Absent - FUSILIER CONCERT OF TRADITION. HM599202/03. 8-10-95. Breeder. Chere C. Fuessel. By Ch. Romance Romanz D'Roc of Coburn - Fusilier-Korsakov Bolka. Owner: Kelly Ray

Absent - FUSILIER CRUSADER. HM599202/04. 8-10-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Romance Romanz D'Roc of Coburn - Fusilier-Korsakov Bolka. Owner: Chere C. Fuessel

Absent - FUSILIER CHARMING HAMLET. HM599202/01. 8-10-95. Breeder. Chere C. Fuessel. By Ch. Romance Romanz D'Roc of Coburn - Fusilier-Korsakov Bolka. Owner: Dorothea Costrini

Absent - FUSILIER CIE MY PIECE OF D'ROC. HM599202/05. 8-10-95. Breeder: Chere C. Fuessel. By Ch. Romance Romanz D'Roc of Coburn - Fusilier-Korsakov Bolka. Owner. Linda Beisswenger

Absent - KARITONOVA DIVINE JUSTICE. HM593497/04. 8-29-95. Breeders: Kimberley A. Horn and Angela San Paolo. By Ch. Karitonova Creme Fraiche - Karitonova Foxcroft Esprit. Owners: Kimberley A. and Mary H. Horn

Futurity Junior Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

1996 Futurity Junior Dog, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

Kajai's Zest

HM587143/10. 6-13-95. Breeders: Kathryn and James Wright
By Ch. Kajai's Classic - Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha
Owners: Dr. Marvin and Marsha Frace

Futurity Dogs, 9 months and under 12 - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - PO DUSHAM MILESTONE. HM576433/09. 5-21-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Po Dusham Paloma. Owner: Alice M. Reese

Absent - PO DUSHAM ROPIN' THE WIND. HM576433/01. 5-21-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Po Dusham Paloma. Owner: Alice M. Reese

Absent - PO DUSHAM REPEAT OFFENDER. HM576433/02. 5-21-95. Breeder: Alice M. Reese. By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Po Dusham Paloma. Owners: Lou Avant, DVM and Breeder

Absent - PO DUSHAM BARYSHINIKOV. HM576433/08. 5-21-95. Breeder: Alice M. Reese. By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Po Dusham Paloma. Owner: Tony Shubert

Absent - MUFASA'S HIGH CRIME. HM569230/03. 4-12-95. Breeder: Owner. By Silkenswift Red Banner- Silkenswift Rosebud, CD, SC. Owner: Vanessa G. Johnson

Absent - MUFASA'S LITTLE TENDERNESS. HM569230/02. 4-12-95. Breeder: Vanessa G. Johnson. By Silkenswift Red Banner - Silkenswift Rosebud, CD, SC. Owners: Breeder and Judith Sneeringer

Absent - MUFASA'S WAIT FOR THE MAGIC. HM569230/04. 4-12-95. Breeder: Vanessa G. Johnson. By Silkenswift Red Banner - Silkenswift Rosebud, CD, SC. Owners: David and Katherine Shore and Breeder

Absent - TARAMONT DIMITRI. HM573303/02. 5-23-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Taramont The Baron - Ch. Taramont The Baroness. Owner: Taramont Kennel, Reg.

Absent - RAYNBO'S TSTORM FRONT. HM572562/03. 5-1-95. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Majenkir Tsuperlative - Ch. Birchwood's Sweet Child O Mine, JC. Owners: Roni and Jennifer Zucker

Absent - RAYNBO'S TSARKHAN. HM572562/04. 5-1-95. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Majenkir Tsuperlative - Ch. Birchwood's Sweet Child O Mine, JC. Owners: Roni and Jennifer Zucker

Absent - KAJAl'S SUMMER DREAMS. HM587143/03. 6-13-95. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Kajai's Classic - Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha. Owners: Kathryn and James F. Wright

Absent - KAJAl'S ILLUSION. HM587143/02. 6-13-95. Breeders: Kathryn and James F. Wright. By Ch. Kajai's Classic - Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha. Owners: Sandra Bell and Breeders

Absent - KAJAl'S MYSTERIOUS GUEST. HM587143/09. 6-13-95. Breeders: Kathryn and James F. Wright. By Ch. Kajai's Classic - Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha. Owners: Paula and Keith Marouk

Absent - TARAMONT NICHOLAI. HM573303/02. 5-23-95. Breeder: Taramont Knls, Reg .. By Ch. Taramont The Baron - Ch. Taramont The Baroness. Owner: Spears L. McAllester

Absent - QUIESSENCE BOLERO. HM585755/01. 6-18-95. Breeder: Owner. By Sandown's Storms Brewin' - Ch. Knapovich's Elena. Owner: Jessica Baker

Absent - QUIESSENCE JAVALIN. HM585755/02. 6-18-95. Breeder. Owner. By Sandown's Storms Brewin' - Ch. Knapovich's Elena. Owner: Jessica Baker

Futurity Junior Dog, 12 months and under 15 - 1st / Best of Opposite Sex To Best In Futurity

1996 Futurity Junior Dog, 12 months and under 15 - 1st

Aruzia Seattle Blew

HM557430/01. 1-11-95. Breeders: Owners
By Ch. Reggae's Tahoe Barbera Drew, SC - Ch. Sky Run's Carmel Me Blue, JC
Owners: Lorrie and John Scott

Futurity Junior Dog, 12 months and under 15 - 2nd

Aruzia Gallant Fox

HMS57430/02. 1-11-95. Breeders: Lorrie and John Scott
By Am. Can. Ch. Reggae's Tahoe Barbera Drew SC, FCh. - Ch. Sky Run s Carmel Me Blue JC
Owner: Leslie Henderson

Futurity Junior Dog, 12 months and under 15 - 3rd

Auburn's Rainier

HM572167/06. 4-3-95. Breeders: Owner and Cyndi Dell
By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell
Owner: Bill Hemby

Futurity Junior Dog, 12 months and under 15 - 4th

Auburn's Hood of Morgandell

HM572167/07. 4-3-95. Breeders: Bill Hemby and Cynthia Dell
By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell
Owner: William Hemby

Futurity Junior Dogs, 12 months and under 15 - OTHER ENTRIES

AUBURN'S SHASTA OF MORGANDELL. HM572167/0. 4-3-95. Breeders: Bill Hemby and Cyndi Dell. By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell. Owners: Gary and LeAnn Black

Absent - MAJENKIR CINNABURST OF V.S. HM569105/06. 3-27-95. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Majenkir Bogatyr of Venice S. - Majenkir Bellefleur. Owners: Virginia E. Jones and Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Absent - MORGANDELL AUBURN SIERRA. HM572167/02. 4-3-95. Breeders: Bill Hemby and Owner. By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell. Owner: Cyndi Dell

Absent - MAJENKIR QUICKSILVER. HM569105/06. 3-27-95. Breeders: Virginia E. Jones and Owner: .. By Ch. Majenkir Bogatyr of Venice S. - Majenkir Bellefleur. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Absent - MAJENKIR IRONSTONE. HM564425/01. _3-18-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Dandy Man - Majenkir Tinsel Toy. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Absent - MAJENKIR SURREAL II. HM564425/03. 3-18-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Dandy Man - Majenkir Tinsel Toy. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Futurity Senior Dog, 18 months and under 21 - 1st

1996 Futurity Dog, 18 months and under 21 - 1st

Del Sol Alpha Draconis

HM629142/03. 7-25-94. Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Raider of Kyrov - Rabrega Protege
Owner: Susan Van de Water

Futurity Senior Dog, 21 months and under 24 - 1st

1996 Futurity Senior Dog, 21 months and under 24 - 1st

Qamyo Sylvan Danger Zone

HM512608/01. 4-7-94. Breeder: Owner: and Christopher and Patti Neale
By Ch. Sylvan Shining Hour - Qamyo Southern Soiree. SC, FCh.
Owner: Kathleen Kapaun

Futurity Senior Dogs, 21 months and under 24 - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - KISHNIGA'S TOO DARN HOT. XY905332CJ (Canada). 5-16-94. Breeders: Richard Meen, John Reeve-Newson and Sean McCarthy. By Can. Ch. Phantom Lake Bravado Loki -Am. Can. Ch. Swiftess Kishniga Kara. Owners: Roman L. Sukley and Maurine Conti

Absent - CH. RISING STAR AURORAL TANQUERAY. HM523471/05. 5-23-94. Breeders: Jon and Jennifer Steele. By Am. Can. Ch. Rising Star Danilov O'Sunbarr -Am. Can. Ch. Bokhara Wind Falcon. Owner: Nadine Johnson

Futurity Junior Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

1996 Futurity Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 1st

Sylvan Chalcedony

HM588331/02. 7-26-95. Breeders: Owners and Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith
By Ch. Tamarzi Lord Oliver Grfalcon - Ch. Sylvan Evangeline, SC
Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale

Futurity Junior Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 2nd

Vera's Kame A Touch Of Lace

HM599698/05. 9-8-95. Breeder: Jean 'E. Brauner
By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya
Owners: Breeder and Lisa M. Brauner

Futurity Junior Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 3rd

1996 Futurity Junior Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 3rd

Timber Ridge's Zipporah

HM597802/01. 9-26-95. Breeder: Owner
By Ch Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah
Owner: Patricia Hillyard

Futurity Junior Bitch, 6 months and under 9 - 4th

Vera's Kame A Classic Beauty

HM599698/02. 9-8-95. Breeder: Owner
By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya
Owner. Jean E. Brauner

Futurity Junior Bitches, 6 months and under 9 - OTHER ENTRIES

TIMBER RIDGE'S ABI OF KENAI. HM597802/03. 9-26-95. Breeder: Patricia Hillyard. By Ch. Zcerlov's Reactor - Anushaka Keturah. Owner. Michelle and John Rowton and Breeder

VERA'S KAME MY ANGEL O' TH' MORNING. HM599698/01. 9-8-95. Breeder: Jean E. Brauner. By Vernor View Travis - Aust. Ch. Russkimir Varinya. Owner: Breeder and Cecilia Barnett

Absent - Monarch Chantilly Lace. HM588331. 7-26-95. Breeders: Owners: and Chris and Patti Neale. By Tamarzi Lord Oliver Grfalcon - Ch. Sylvan Evangeline, SC. Owners: Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith

Absent - Monarch Chrystal Chandelier. HM588331. 7-26-95. Breeders. Owners: and Chris and Patti Neale. By Ch. Tamarzi Lord Oliver Gyfalcon - Ch. Sylvan Evangeline, SC. Owners: Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith

Absent - SYLVAN CHENILLE. HM588331/04. 7-26-95. Breeders: Owners: and Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith. By Ch. Tamarzi Lord Oliver Grfalcon - Ch. Sylvan Evangeline, SC. Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale

Absent - SYLVAN SKY RUN SEVEN VEILS. HM598835/03. 7-19-95. Breeders: Owners: and Barbara Skinner. By Ch. Sky Run Winter Nova - Ch. Qamyo Sylvan Scar1ettan, SC. Owners: Christopher and Patti Neale

Absent - SYLVAN CHILI PEPPER. HM588331/06. 7-26-95. Breeders: Christopher and Patti Neale, Tammy Cook and Shawn Smith. By Ch. Tamarzi Lord Oliver Grfalcon - Ch. Sylvan Evangeline, SC. Owners: Don and Marie Lee and Christopher and Patti Neale

Absent - FUSILIER CIRRUS. HM599202/02. 8-10-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Romance Romanz D'Roc of Coburn - Fusilier-Korsakov Bolka. Owner. Chere C. Fuessel

Absent - KARITONOVA DIVINE MADNESS. HM593497/01. 8-29-95. Breeders: Kimberley A Horn and Angela San Paolo. By Ch. Karitonova Creme Fraiche - Karitonova Foxcroft Esprit. Owners: Kimberley A. and Mary H. Horn

Absent - KARITONOVA DIVINE GUIDANCE. HM593497/02-8-29-95. Breeders: Kimberley A. Horn and Angela San Paolo. By Ch. Karitonova Creme Fraiche - Karitonova Foxcroft Esprit. Owners: Kimberley A. and Mary H. Horn

Futurity Junior Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

1996 Futurity Bitch, 9 months and under 12 - 1st

Kajai's Winter Bouquet

HM587143/07. 6-13-95. Breeders: Kathryn and James F. Wright
By Ch. Kajai's Classic - Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha
Owner: Maren Travers

Futurity Junior Bitches, 9 months and under 12 - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - PO DUSHAM NIGHT AT THE OPERA. HM576433/03. 5-21-95. Breeder. Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Po Dusham Paloma. Owner: Alice M. Reese

Absent - MUFASA'S BRITE N SUNNY BABE. HM569230/05. 4-12-95. Breeder: Vanessa G. Johnson. By Silkenswift Red Banner - Silkenswift Rosebud, CD, SC. Owners: Sam and Cindi Cullis and Breeder

Absent - TARAMONT ANAST ASIA. HM573303/03. 5-23-95. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Taramont The Baron - Ch. Taramont The Baroness. Owner: Taramont Kennel, Reg.

Absent - RAYNBO'S FAIRY TALE PRINCESS. HM572562/01. 5-1-95. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Majenkir Tsuperlative - Ch. Birchwood's Sweet Child O Mine, JC. Owners: Roni and Jennifer Zucker

Absent - RAYNBO'S AZALIYA. HM572562/02. 5-1-95. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Majenkir Tsuperlative - Ch. Birchwood's Sweet Child O Mine, JC. Owners: Roni and Jennifer Zucker

Absent - KAJAl'S BLUE SASH. HM587143/05. 6-13-95. Breeders: Kathryn and James F. Wright. By Ch. Kajai's Classic- Ch. Kajai's Moonrise Natasha. Owners: Breeders and Barbara and Fred Lord, DVM

Futurity Junior Bitch, 12 months and under 15 - 1st

1996 Futurity Junior Bitch, 12 months and under 15 - 1st

Rusalka Dayspring Breeze

HMSS9220/02. 1-30-95 Breeder: Owner
By Ch Reggae's Tahoe Barbera Drew FCh - Rusalka Moondream Aria, JC.
Owner: Jennifer Beach-Buda

Futurity Junior Bitch, 12 months and under 15 - 2nd

Auburn's Anika Rose Royale

HM572167/0. 4-3-95. Breeders: Bill Hemby and Cyndi Dell
By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell
Owners: Susan Marcyan

Futurity Junior Bitches, 12 months and under 15 - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - MAJENKIR'S OUNCE OF GRATITUDE. HM569105/05. 3-27-95. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Majenkir Bogatyr of Venice S. - Majenkir Bellefleur. Owners: Virginia E. Jones and Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Absent - MAJENKIR MIRABELLA. HM569105/03. 3-27-95. Breeders: Virginia E. Jones and Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Bogatyr of Venice S. - Majenkir Bellefleur. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Absent - MAJENKIR SILVER TINSEL. HM564425/07. 3-18-95. Breeder. Owner. By Ch. Majenkir Dandy Man- Majenkir Tinsel Toy. Owner: Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Absent - MORGANDELL AUBURN WHITNEY. HM572167/01. 4-3-95. Breeders: Bill Hemby and Cyndi Dell. By Regius Beyond Breathless - Virshina Rosie of Morgandell. Owners: Lynn and Stephanie Strauss

Futurity Senior Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 1st

1996 Futurity Senior Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 1st

Majenkir Tzelena

HM553256/01. 12-11-94. Breeder. Owner
By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Ch. Majenkir Tzidera
Owner. Karen Staudt-Cartabona

Futurity Senior Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 2nd

1996 Futurity Senior Bitch, 15 months and under 18 - 2nd

Majenkir Tsunshine At Bookstor

HM553256/02. 12-11-94. Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona
By Ch. Majenkir Nabucco At Agridor - Ch Majenkir Tzidera
Owners: Dr. Howard and Karen Spey

Futurity Senior Bitch, 18 months and under 21 - 1st

1996 Futurity Senior Bitch, 18 months and under 21 - 1st

Del Sol Albireo

HM529142/04. 7-25-94. Breeder: Susan Van de Water
By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Raider of Kyrov - Rabrega Protege
Owners: Teleni Ballard and Breeder

Futurity Senior Bitch, 18 months and under 21 - 2nd

Del Sol Algol

HM529142J05. 7-25-94 Breeder: Owner
By Ch. Chataqua's Desert Raider of Kyrov - Rabrega Protege
Owner: Susan Van de Water

Futurity Senior Bitches, 21 months and under 24 - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - AURORAL'S COURVOISIER. HM523471/01. 5-23-94. Breeders: Owners. By Am. Can. Ch. Rising Star Danilov O'Sunbarr, JC - Am. Can. Ch. Bokhara Wind Falcon. Owner: Jon and Jennifer Steele

Futurity Stud Dog Class - 1st

1996 Futurity Stud Dog Class - 1st

Ch. Chataqua's Desert Raider Of Kyrov

HM447594/09. 8-26-92. Breeders: Sara Whittington, Wanda Sanders and Amy Sorbie
By Ch. Kyrov's Crescendo - Ch. Chataqua's Tasha Mahadi
Owner: Susan Van de Water

Futurity Stud Dog Class - 2nd

Vernor View Travis

HM419102/06. 11-8-92. Breeders: Bill and Mary Jane Sillers
By Ch. Seabury's Chrisma - Vernor View Sovereign
Owners: Jean E. Brauner and Phyllis Brettell

Futurity Brood Bitch Class - 1st

1996 Futurity Brood Bitch Class - 1st

Ch. Sky Run's Carmel Me Blue, JC

HD834825. 11-10-89. Breeder: Barbara Skinner
By Ch. Majenkir Sky Strider - Ch. Majenkir Cinnamon Sugar, CD
Owners: Lorrie and John Scott

Futurity Brood Bitch Class - 2nd

1996 Futurity Brood Bitch Class - 2nd

Anushaka Keturah

HD803974. 12-21-89. Breeder: Pamela Wallace
By Sirhan Sunbarr Breketov- Ch. Falkenar Bel Esprit
Owner. Patricia Hillyard

Futurity Brood Bitch Class - OTHER ENTRIES

Absent - CH. TARAMONT THE BARONESS. HD823675. 7-14-90. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Taramont Prince Alexander - Ch. Sirhan Sunbarr Taramont Annya. Owner: Taramont Kennel, Reg.

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